Death in the Name of Love

in Freewriters4 years ago


"How much do you love her?" a question in a sentence challenge game.

"The island of Bali, if you want to sell it, I will give it to her" answered one of the players.

Various answers are all really challenging, but there is one answer that is classified as sadistic.

"For love, I am capable of setting up wars in the name of ideology," replied the leader of the uniformed.

This is the dark history of our country, what we call the terrible "love disaster". How for the sake of Patih Gajah Mada's ambition with his Palapa Oath to unite the Archipelago of the Maja Pahit Kingdom could have the heart to kill all the bridal convoys that brought Princess Dyah Pitaloka Citraresmi from the Kingdom of Sunda.

Putri Dyah Pitaloka Citraresmi herself did not accept the massacre of her people and eventually also committed suicide.
The melodious Sundanese song is also to remind their children and grandchildren that they once mourned the massacre of the people of the Pasundan land. As a result, its continued, the only province in Indonesia that is free from the street name Gajah Mada is West Java.

In history that is deliberately disguised; live in peace two advisers to the king. One lives in the west and one in the east. Until then the king's advisor from the east fell in love with the king's daughter and wanted to propose to her.

For the king, it doesn't matter. However, the king naturally had to ask his advisers who lived in the west for advice. After being investigated inside and out, it turned out that the king's advisor from the east could not marry the king's daughter.

The king's adviser from the east felt hurt because his proposal was rejected because of the opinion of the king's advisor from the west. The advisor to the king from the east also made a ploy by sending his followers to record all the sermons of the king's advisor from the west who talked about the science of nature.

The king's advisor from the east issued a fatwa that the lectures of the king's advisor from the west were against the law and must be punished by death. There was a murder of the king's adviser in the west along with 300 of his followers and his books were burned even though some were saved.

This incident has occurred in Aceh and repeated after independence where the death toll reached thousands of people. Again, due to falling in love and ambition to marry the king's daughter.

The question of falling in love is not only the domination of the priyayi [aristocratic], a poor young man is insulted to raise himself and his family must kill dozens of girls in order to get a powerful "pellet oil" [magic to make one person love someone without the reason].

His goal was achieved, his pellet oil ability could free himself from the death penalty on the gallows with a drop of pellet oil because it was proven to have killed several girls.

At one point, he returned to his hometown to get attention from the people who always insulted him. The young man poured a bottle of pellet oil on his body.

In reaction, all humans and living things chase him to get his love, but because too many chase him so that he was pinched and could not breathe anymore and the young man eventually died.

Mendale, Aceh Sumatra, Indonesia

Note: This article is a free translation of my writing which has already been posted on other social media and local newspapers.