Safe To Land

in Freewriters4 years ago


The ancestors or "pemuger" of the land of Gayo always maintain the tradition of respecting the universe with the phrase, “Tabi mulo langit si kujunjung seringkel payung, maaf mulo bumi si kujejak seringkel tapak.”

The greeting was grounded before Islam developed in Gayo land. For our ancestors, nature is not only a place to live, but also as a topic of our discussion "Alam takambang becomes a teacher" a Minang proverb that teaches us to always make nature a teacher.

For the Gayo people, nature has led them to attain "maqom know self" by taking lessons from Allah's verses other than the Kitabiyah verse or Al-Qur'anul Karim; namely qauniyah verse or taking lessons from natural and social realities.

They also make pilgrimages to places that are considered holy and sacred graves because of the belief that the essence of pilgrimage is to study and know history as a form of guidance from the takhiriyah verse.

Apart from studying the universe outside ourselves, our ancestors also studied the inner world or the micro cosmos or the nafsiah verse. So they concluded that self is a representation of the universe and God is the Creator.

We should be grateful, according to the Shari'a being born as Muslims, but we can take a lesson from our ancestors in the past is the ability to achieve the highest maqom, namely safety or Islam.

Of course, to reach the "highest maqom" they have gone through the maqom of the life or Hindu level, or are still in a cultured or Buddhist level, or are still winding up to reach perfection or Christianity.

There are many paths to the "highest station", through all the verses of Allah. So it is strictly forbidden for us to blind fanaticism. A narrow mind or closed mind (kafir) is a recognition that Allah's knowledge is only a cup of ink.

Even though if the ocean and one more ocean were added as ink to write Allah's knowledge, it would not be enough. There is no match for the breadth and depth of knowledge of Allahu Akbar.

With the revelation of Al-Qur'anul Karim as verse kitabiyah, of course, it will be easier for us to reach the maqom of safety or Islam. There is already a kind of "manual book" as a guide to achieving the salvation of Islam.

Again, understanding the Koran should not be "horse's point of view," but all the verses of Allah complement each other for perfection.

It is true that the holy book Al-Qur'anul Karim is written in Arabic, but in fact, it is found in many regional languages ​​in the archipelago and other languages ​​in the world. Especially in Malay, Javanese, Acehnese, Sasak, and Gayo languages, as well as English.

All these languages ​​complement each other in finding essence. What is not in Malay could be in Javanese and so on.

For example, the first verse of Surat Al-Baqarah, reads "Alif lam mim" in Arabic and any language has no meaning and in the translation "Only Allah knows", but it turns out that in Aceh it has a meaning, namely; "Alif in Mim" or "Allah in Muhammad." The proof is on the part of the human body there is a form of writing "Allah". For example, in the ears, nostrils, in both eyes, and on the fingers.

Likewise, the first verse came down to the Prophet Muhammad SAW, "Iqra '" means "read," whose meaning is not yet perfect, if it simply means "read" but once we try to mix it in English, it becomes "IQ rotation" or "turn the brain" more appropriate because then there are many verses of Allah in the Qur'an that instruct us to think. Our ancestors called this knowledge "The science of one word thousand languages."

This short treatise discusses "land" as one of the "four elements" of Allah SWT's creation, not from the viewpoint of its structure and spatial layout, but as in Mrs. Ratna Dewi's presentation in her presentation on July 31, 2020, "water and other things no longer being spoken about. "

I will also share my knowledge through this treatise with the title "Safe To Land" which contains the theme; the loss of the tradition of respect for the land in our lives and how to return to making the land as a way of salvation, strength and victory for us in this modern age.

"Land" of any kind is just a "code name" or nickname. "Land" is not his real name. The names we get from parents and from school about other elements of the earth and sky are just "pseudonyms".

In fact, they have an official birth name and in line with that birth name, they also have an oath. So that with the "name" and "oath" we can trust and control the land for the benefit of our life and life; both for good and for evil.

The friend of Sayyina Ali bin Abi Talib RA, one who knows the name and oath of land. One day a crying orphan and Ali's best friend approached him. After investigating, it turned out that the child was afraid of being scolded by his brother if he returned home because he felt guilty about spilling cooking oil in the desert he had just bought.

Ali's best friend asked the boy to show him where the cooking oil was spilled. Then the boy showed him the place and there was really no more cooking oil left.

Then Ali's friend took the land where the cooking oil was spilled, then said his "real name" and read the oath and squeezed it. The ground screamed and spilled the spilled oil and was even more in volume than before. The pain of the ground made him swear, "By Allah, I swear ... it will not grow, the plant that Ali's hand planted on my back."

In the following days every plant planted by Sahabat Ali's hand all withered to death, but Ali bin Abi Talib RA, who bore one of the characteristics of the Prophet Muhammad SAW, namely Fatanah (Arabic), smart (Malay) and politics (English). As an astute person, Sahabat Ali did not lose his mind, he planted a banyan tree that lives on other trees. Over time the mother tree dies and what grows is a banyan tree that stands alone.

As a friend of Ali Bin Abi Talib, it turns out that many Gayo people know the real name of the land and their oaths. It is proven that in areas prone to erosion, planting of ongkal trees or andong trees whose roots are not too long and not too fibrous, but with the condition that they state the mandate, name, and oath of land, the land is not subject to landslides or erosion.
How about local wisdom, which some people consider the land to be lifeless, they actually hear the mandate to stay put.

What a huge advantage, rather than having to build a cliff retaining wall which costs hundreds of millions of rupiah, of course, we better plug a buggy or carriage tree which costs nothing and can easily be found in community cemeteries.

In other cases, based on our experience at war with Jakarta. If GAM troops have entered the forest, then it is certain that it is safe because we feel very “protected” by the forest, not only are there relatively many tree stands, but the land is indeed sacred or noble.

We survived the battle not because we had invulnerability or had great combat abilities, but because of the support of the ground on which we stood.

Of course, before entering the forest we carry out a small ceremony. The first person to enter the forest to do a procession; open 7 (seven) closed leaves and close 7 (seven) open leaves while saying, "Assalamu'alaikum ya ahlul badri?" if we don't know the name of the watchman there. On the other hand, if we know the name of the "servant of Allah" waiting there, the greeting is addressed to him.

If we do the procession, overnight the land there guarantees our safety and security. Never mind humans or wild animals, the ants will not disturb us. Furthermore, if we leave the forest, we have to do the same procession as entering the forest; opening 7 (seven) closed leaves and closing 7 (seven) open leaves with the aim that the animals in the forest do not starve.

While in the forest, we must not be arrogant and arrogant, because of that we have to use a stick, which is used so that we don't get tired and can drive away wild beasts and reptiles. The stick we use has to end down; used to overcome fatigue and be able to dispel a tornado if at any time it comes.

As long as you are in the middle of the forest, don't worry about drinking any dirty water, guaranteed not to have a stomachache as long as you greet the water in the forest with a lafadz, "Wrong serung, salah sangul, aunt Rebinah, wrinkled daughter." Then take a wooden branch and cross it over the puddle.

As long as we maintain manners in the forest, hopefully, we will survive any situation, including even in war.
Having the mandate of saying real names and land oaths, so that we can obtain safety, strength, and victory for us, is actually rational and very applicable.

Do'a, lamentation, meditation, prostration, contemplation, yoga, meditation are the work process of building a "tower to strengthen the signal". The more it is done specifically 'the stronger the "signal" to transmit electromagnetic waves to whatever and whomever we mean.

Do'a itself comes from the word "Dia", "Allah" and "Dua" or "Him and yourself". Only "He" can answer "Do'a" as self-creed; la hayyun, la samiun, la bashirun, la mutakallimun, la alimun, la disciple, la qadirun faqir illahlah.

Allah Subhanahu wata'ala who created this universe, but who governs it is the Waliyullah. In Aceh, we believe that Tengku Syiah kuala (my Shaykh Allah) is the Waliyullah who is in charge of protecting the center of the water in the ocean.

The proof is that when the earthquake and tsunami occurred, his grave was not damaged at all and water entered. Even though his grave is at the center of the earthquake and tsunami that hit the land up to 3 (three) KM away.

As an afterthought; humans are created from the essence of the land, then born in the land of their birth, then grow up to be small children playing with the land on the ground, then when adults build houses on a plot of land, and when their parents die, some fight over the inherited land, eventually die and backfilled with earth. So many of our activities with the land, are we following the way our ancestors civilized the land?

Fauzan Azima (Former GAM Commander for Linge Region)

This article the free translation of my article that was delivered at the Ocean Nation Culture Workshop, Wednesday, August 12, 2020.


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