Disgust - Wednesday 5 Minute Freewrite

in Freewriters4 years ago

Today's Day 880: 5 Minute Freewrite: Wednesday - Prompt: incessant barkingfrom @marinnewest. Another very appropriate prompt for our current world. All I hear right now is incessant barking from the world and it all just makes me frustrated so excuse the rant.

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The non stop yelling of all the panicking assholes in this country is astonishing. The social precedence that is being set right now is going to forever fuck this planet. The rhetoric that is being spread, the “emergency” laws that are being enacted that will NEVER be removed or rescinded, the total and complete loss of all freedoms, it is truly disgusting. We have a population that is so petrified of death and has been conditioned to believe that the government and science is always right. We have thousands upon thousands of proofs that science can and is REGULARLY wrong!

Fear and panic are the easiest forms of control in humanity. This has been proven time and time again over history but the human race appears to be the least intelligent it has ever been since NO ONE learns from history. We have abdicated all control over our lives to those outside ourselves. WE are controlled by a system that cares only about the numbers and not the individual. I am so disgusted by this world right now.

~End 5 Minutes~

The only little tiny light that seems to be shining is the pseudo willingness of some people to help others. I say pseudo mainly because culture has devolved into one of abject selfishness with little room for anything else. Take the hoarding mentality that is abounding for instance. Fear and panic is driving so many to lose their minds and their slim ability for rational thought.

Truly I am ready for the world to stop so we can all get off this shit hole of a ride. It has only seemed to get worse over time and the restraints have gotten tighter and tighter as the ride has progressed. We got on the ride and had room to move in our seats, could look around and enjoy the scenery. Now we are locked down with our arms chained to the bars and blinders put on to keep us from seeing the horrors being perpetrated around us.

Lies, deceit, cover-ups, a system grasping for absolute control, and a population completely subdued and repressed. Welcome to 2020.

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It´s not. If you learn something about this, in a good way, it's a good thing. We need to learn to love, to say thanks and we need to have hope.

I am 100% with you on this. I am disappointed and disgusted with the way people are panicking and hoarding and not thinking one thought about their neighbors. We have ceased to be a society. I saw this coming a long way off by observing peoples driving habits. Me first, you are in my way. People act as if they are gods and they will pay a dear price for it. I am sick of this ride too, let me off.

I am a huge proponent of Universal Basic Income - and that might happen here. Also, I have seen people reaching out and to try to build community. That is a plus.
But I am 100% with you that I fear we are losing even more of our freedoms. 9/11 and what happened after is still with us and we lost so many rights since then.
The hoarding is and was more than disgusting. I am trying hard to stay on the positive side. Not being around people is a bit of a nice break for me. But I think that people are going to go crazy for a while. And that, I am not looking forward to.