If the WEEKEND is in sight it must be time for #ZapFic50Friday! Write me a story in precisely 50 words!

in Freewriters2 years ago

It's ZapFic50 Friday!

Welcome to the 36th ZapFic50Friday!

You have the weekend (until Sunday 23h59 GMT) to write a story in precisely 50 words (no more no less than 50!) using the prompt given

All valid posts will be upvoted and reblogged by @felt.buzz and upvoted by the @freewritehouse.

Three winners will be chosen on Monday, each will get 1 Hive SBI share


Please post to the Freewriters Community.

Please post a link to your entry in the comments section of this post

Please use #freewritehouse and #zapfic tags.

YOU MUST use a word/character counter (if you search for word counter on the internet or in your phone's app store you will get a big choice!) wordcounter.net and include a screenshot. Entries without a screenshot will NOT be valid

Please use the prompt provided as you see fit (use your imagination, you don't need to use the words of the prompt in your story if you don't want to)

Try to tell a complete story if you can!

The story MUST be precisely 50 words long



The winners will be announced by the @zapfic.club on Monday


Good luck ZapFicers!


banner dancing flowers.gif


Here's my entry!


Also, !1UP :D

Hello, this is my participation. greetings to all


Hello everyone. Here's my entry for this prompt--

Thank you!

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Hello. I leave here my ZAPFic50 Friday entry for prompt: "industry"


Screenshot 2022-07-08 at 20-50-34 WordCounter - Count Words & Correct Writing-ZAPfic50Friday-7-8-22.png

Have a good weekend everyone.

Good day, here's my entry as newcomer 😍

My entry for ZapFic50Friday https://peakd.com/hive-161155/@eunoia101/36th-zapfic50friday-the-industry-i-belong


You have received a 1UP from @luizeba!

The @oneup-cartel will soon upvote you with:
@ccc-curator, @neoxag-curator
And they will bring !PIZZA 🍕.

Learn more about our delegation service to earn daily rewards. Join the Cartel on Discord.

Here is my entry(https://peakd.com/hive-161155/@blueflipper123/freewriters-promptindustry) for current writing prompt,"Industry". Thanks admin making this community more committed and active community for me.


I'm assuming the title isn't included in the word count.

Wonderful prompt.
Here's my first time doing this and I'm excited for it.
This is my entry.

Hello, my dear friends. I would like to share with you the link to my entry 👇

I hope you enjoyed reading my piece.
Thank you for visiting my blog.

Hello, friends. This is my entry for this contest👇

Thank you for viewing my blog.