in Freewriters3 years ago (edited)

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Young and vibrant like the morning sun
He was the hero whose sword
Took off the head
of the tyrants tormenting our land
He was at the centre
of the coup that liberated our people.
His uniforms and guns
He would later tuck away
To be addressed, Mr. President.
Now ten World Cups have been played
And the history of his prowess forgotten
But only his face continues
To carry the salutation, Mr. President.
Mr. President for life,
Elections might have been unable to take you out
But your boat will not survive the tides of time.

In commemoration of the ongoing tyranny in Uganda and the hijack of the mandate of Bobi Wine.

Image credit: Financial Times


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Quite often, we humans have to give the tides of time a little push – or a big push. Kudos to those brave enough to do so.

These are words of wisdom from an elder. I wish and hope that we can push the tides if and when necessary.