
in Freewriters3 years ago

Ungodliness is something or a spirit that goes against the spirit of God.
Chronicle 36.
The life of Ungodliness that we are living only shows that you don't love God.
Those that like the ungodly life knows the will of God but they don't want to do it.
Exodus 15:23-24
One of the those things the ungodly people do is that they give excuses a lot,instead of them to thank the Lord for what he has done in other people's lives. Acts 6:1.

Another one is that they follow their own self. The ungodly things always have a say for them rather than Godly things.

The ungodly ones will always look for a way to discourage the godly children in order to take them away from God.
Another one is that they respects man instead of God. They know the right thing but because of what they will benefit from them, they will rather respect man and sin against God. James 2:9.

Anyone that says he or she is a Christian but still respect man a lot instead of God, their spirituality is not genuine.
2peter 3:4
The ungodly people have the love of money residing in them.
When they have money, they always tend to do things that are against the will of God Matt 6:24. Whosoever that love money a lot, such a person can do anything to get money. 1timothy 6:10