My Five Minutes of Free Writing #69 / future business



We are a family passionate about the Lord's work, and we are committed to what we do to extend the kingdom, however, every activity planned to reach people or consolidate those we have under our guidance requires monetary resources.

The need to generate resources to invest in the ministry led us at the end of last year to work on a series of ventures that for now are on hold, because although they were beneficial and yielded fruits, they were focused on a Christmas market, so we must organize and prepare for future business.

January is coming to an end and we are entering a year that brings with it many challenges, we are looking forward to what will happen with our ministry plans, so it is up to us to put ideas in place to help us generate the resources we need to fulfill our planning.

We have just held our planning meeting, and one of the points of discussion was the finances for the ministry, in this meeting we agreed on some areas where we plan to start our investment for this year.

We are in Venezuela where we need an extra effort to make the businesses work so we need to be focused and very committed in every investment and business we have to attend.

When we are going to start a business one of the things we must pay attention to is the market, what we want to commercialize and the market we have available for that, although we are not business experts the experience is teaching us and based on this experience we will be making some investments.

In this way our investments will be directed in this beginning of the year to the food sector, then based on the experience and the disposition of one of the members of the team we will be starting with the following.

In the first place we will be commercializing cambur / banaba and we will also be commercializing fish, we will make our initial investment in these areas, in what will become our future businesses.

Well if we talk about future business we are betting on these areas, plus others that are under discussion and we believe we will do well this year.

Let me know what you think!