My Five Minutes of Free Writing #74 / banana fiber



One of the most important crops around the world is the cultivation of bananas, most people know the taste and nutritional properties of bananas, which is used among other things to gain muscle mass as a dietary aid for those who exercise regularly.

The banana is a fruit rich in fiber and potassium, but beyond its nutritional value, banana fiber can be used in the textile area for the manufacture of alternative and environmentally friendly yarns and fabrics.

In several parts of the world, banana plant bark fiber is used to make and weave purses, baskets, bags or rugs, but more recently, finer banana fiber yarns are being made into fabrics.

Honestly, using banana fiber to make garments is one of the best ways to take full advantage of banana plantations.

It really is an excellent idea to use this type of fiber to make threads with which to make fabrics for clothing, this gives a new sense of usefulness and much more value to banana plantations, since we would not only be taking advantage of the flavor and nutrition of its fruit but also we would be wearing it.

Now, from what I have read it seems that the elaboration of these fabrics, or the thread is somewhat more expensive than conventional thread, which represents a challenge in which we must work to find a way to lower the costs of processing so that this type of fabric can be produced in greater quantities.

In conclusion, the proposals of this community always invite us to explore unknown terrain in many cases for us and end up making us discover wonders that we had no idea existed, at least in my case.

Let me know what you think!


I remember how every time I woke up with a strong hangover the day after drinking a lot of alcohol, I used to eat bananas to recover quickly, and potassium helps a lot, it's true.