My Five Minutes of Free Writing #77 / clench my hands



Gestures and attitudes are part of our daily life, we know the phrase "A picture is worth a thousand words". This, in my opinion, is applicable to the gestures and expressions we use in our daily communication, whether in a family dialogue, at school, at work or in business.

It is very common to hear testimonies that talk about our parents' way of communicating and how, since we were children, all it took was a gesture, a look or a hand signal to know what they wanted without mentioning a word.

In life there are pacts or deals that we seal with something, it can be a gift, an exchange, a symbolic coin or even a handshake. Generally it is customary to close a deal with a handshake and when we shake someone's hand it is a sign that there is an agreement.

In my country for example, we are used to shake hands with people every time we arrive at a meeting or see each other in the street, it is a form of greeting widely used in our society and a common practice throughout the length and breadth of our territory.

Hence, a handshake is a sign of friendship, companionship and complicity, we shake the hands of a person we know, but also of someone we want to meet, in addition to all this of the force exerted in the handshake we can send a message.

When we shake strongly and firmly we can send a warning, a soft and prolonged handshake can express some kind of desire, withdrawing the hand and just taking the fingertips can express rejection among other things.

Either way a handshake is part of a universal language that goes beyond words and can be understood in almost any language.

Let me know what you think!