My Five Minutes of Free Writing #82 / email sent



Times are changing rapidly, today technology has somehow "brought people closer" and today it is easy to find out about events almost in real time through social networks and the Internet.

For most young people it is difficult to imagine a life without the technological advances at hand, a smart phone makes you believe that you have the world in your hands and information travels from one continent to another in just seconds.

This type of advances are the object of diverse opinions and points of view, about the negative or positive influence that this represents for humanity, for some instead of "bringing people closer", this type of technology has taken away family moments that before were shared in family.

Regarding this and other issues, my biggest flaw is that I always try to rescue and highlight the positive side of things, so I do not deny the different opinions and I try to "take advantage" of the benefits that these technologies can leave us.

In the last few weeks the phrase "You have mail" has become part of my daily life due to a very special relationship with a friend who lives in a different country than mine, this relationship makes that every day I am aware if I get any mail with news from my brother in a distant land.

When I was a young boy, my parents sent me to study at an aunt's house, in a city far from my homeland, I remember that like most young people I fell in love with a girl and we established a dating relationship.

A few months passed and I had to return to the country to my parents' house and because we had no telephone in the country there was no way to communicate with anyone there, only by some letter with an acquaintance who traveled, so after a while I received a letter from the girl.

I received the letter with great joy but the joy would not last long because when I read the contents of the letter, the young lady expressed her desire to end the relationship. From then on, every time I need to illustrate how easy it is for us to communicate even when great distances separate us, I remember this anecdote highlighting the fact that the only letter I received in my life was to give me this "bad news" hahaha.

Now, each one values what he has or what represents this type of advances according to his experience, according to what they represent for each one or according to the lacks that he has had or that he has in a determined moment.

On this side I can say that receiving and sending a mail the last weeks has become an activity that I like to do and what I miss when it does not happen, because for me it has become an enriching experience.

Let me know what you think!