My Five Minutes of Free Writing #86 / murmur of conversation



When you are a communicator and you are trying to deliver a message, you always want people's attention and there are methods and strategies that we can apply to capture the attention of the audience or the audience with which we share the message.

The speaker or preacher focuses on doing the best job in terms of intonation, handling of the subject, mastery of the stage and everything in his power to keep his audience focused or interested in what he is trying to communicate, however, there are times when this gets out of control.

There are times when either because the topic is interesting, or boring, or whether the receiver is interested in the topic or not, there are those awkward moments when you only hear the murmur of a conversation at the back of the room or in the middle of the room. In my particular case I stop and until the murmur stops then I continue with my presentation.

The murmur in this strict sense is very annoying because it bothers not only the speaker, but there are people who are really interested in the topic and feel uncomfortable with this situation, where they even lose the thread or important moments of the message.

Now... what happens when you are a preacher but the one who is carrying the message is someone else, I think there should be a higher level of empathy because from your experience you know that you should not bother the speaker or hinder the audience that is thirsty for a particular message, this prevents you from committing this type of recklessness.

So when you find yourself in the middle of an audience of any kind and you are receiving a message, if you think it is interesting, concentrate and receive the information and if on the contrary you are not interested in the topic, please do not disturb others and before mumbling or engage in a conversation in the room, get out of there and avoid disturbing others.

Let me know what you think!