Allergies / Freewrite's Prompt by @MarianneEWest

in Freewriters4 years ago


This is something that I am very familiar with. Since young, I was introduced to this term because I kept sneezing in the morning and evening, literally like the whole day sneezing, and I wasn't having any cold or flu. Later on, parents found out I was allergic to dust and powder and certain fragrant. I was sad that I no longer could use some of my favourite lotion. Per usage would cause rashes then if not controlled the whole body would have rashes similar yo eczema.

Doing housework at home also made me sneezing non stop due to some detergent or dust. I started doing housechores with my mum since young because I love the satisfying feeling of shining house.

Growing up, we learned to manage better. No more using lotion and powder helped alot. And wearing a piece of cloth around the face and nose while doing house helped alot too. That time, I think, we did not have mask yet, could not remember.

Now, I am still having these allergies. And some eczema traces here and there but minimal and controllable because I know how to not scratch when the outbreak comes. I wore mask every single time I do housechores especially wiping away dust. And I wore gloves when I need to wash alot of dishes as the detergent might cause ezcema outbreak on my palm.

Show you the gloves I used.


This can be used as sponge as well, put a drop of dish liquid on it and lather till foamy and used it to scrub all the dishes.

Today, as in so coincident, my friend's present for me arrived. It is the hype now in our state. Norwex brand. I received Norwex Dusting Mitt from my friend because she knows I have allergy to dust. This is believed to trap the dust without the dust flying around as you wipe. Going to use it soon to wipe everything dusty at home. Here in the city, things get dusty very fast. I wiped in the morning and you can already see a level of dust on the furnitures.

Dusting mitt, hope you can help me!



Hope you are well wherever you are ♥️.



This is another 5-minute freewrite using daily prompt by @mariannewest. You can check her out. I love freewrite because anything goes, no right or wrong, but having fun writing your thoughts or story. If you want to know more about 5-minute freewrite, click here.. Join us as at the @freewritehouse

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