Eternal. Eternity. Home.

in Freewriters4 years ago

Eternal life.

That's the first thing pops up when I saw the prompt. The earth we are living in is just our passing by, a momentarily place, and one day we will live our eternal life in heaven. Do you believe this? It is difficult to believe because it can be just a concept, a religious belief and it puzzele the mind. Not until we see it with our eyes, it is indeed hard to believe. Even I am a believer, but sometimes when I am so earthly-minded, I may doubt a little too. But, I do believe. It can look like a make-belief or really-belief. No one knows. But, yes, I do believe there is life after death.

Then, there is also a belief on eternal flame, where bad people get burned in pit of hell, fire all the time. I don't even want to type more on this. Just a thought of it, I can feel the agony, people screaming in pain eternally. Do I believe? I would say, I do not wish to think about it.

On side note, I read a book on a story of a little boy admitted to emergency and he went to heaven before his spirit returned to his body. The book was given to me by my best friend. After reading the book, it is either you believe 100% or you doubt the parents created the story for the sake of selling the book. For me, I always have that glorious feeling when I read the book. Because a child who had never met Jesus can talked about Jesus and even talked about his great great grandparents whom he had never met before nor had the parents talked about it before. He described heaven so beautifully.



Yes, one thing for sure. Nothing is eternal here on earth. We came out of the womb, we grow, we live, we die. I used to fear death until I know there is life after death. That, I will be at my eternal home called heaven. No more suffering. No more wrinkles. No more sickness. Meanwhile, I want to do my best on earth before eternal comes.

From dust we come, to dust we return. That is our body. Our earthly suit. And then, our spirit will be back Home again.


Okay, now back to living on earth. What should I cook later? 🤣




This is another 5-minute freewrite using daily prompt by @mariannewest. You can check her out. I love freewrite because anything goes, no right or wrong, but having fun writing your thoughts or story. If you want to know more about 5-minute freewrite, click here.. Join us as at the @freewritehouse

❤️Love from me❤️


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