Essential Things To Note Before Purchasing a Computer

in Freewriters2 years ago

A lot of people are carried away by the design or outlook of a computer especially laptops. They neglect the basics or important enquires about the system they will purchase.

In this article, I shall tend to explain the essential basics to note before buying a computer system.

If you are interested in purchasing a personal computer, these are the features you got to check out.


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What are essential features of a computer?

Essential features of a computer are those special features to look for when purchasing a computer.

A lot of people preferably choose a laptop due to the fact that it is mobile .


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Mobile means it can be moved from one place to another without stress.

However, the following features are essential to be looked for before thinking of going to purchase a computer.

There are some computers that are of high grade and the ones of low grade. The first feature you need to think of is what type of job will you be using your computer for?


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If its an online business, you need to have a good system with fast speed.

Money is important in the purchase of a personal computer. In short that is the first step before thinking of going to purchase one.

Another essential features are:

Processing speed
How you want your system to be fast responding when you use it for instructions is dependent on the type of processor you want .

The lastest processor in the market is core I7, we also have core i2, core i3, core i5 e.t.c


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These processors has sub other processors in them whereby if an instructor gives more than one instructions at a time, it assigns sub processors to carryout the task.

In general term it makes the processing of instructions faster. The speed of a higher processor ranges from 2ghz to 4ghz.

As at the time of this post, laster processing speed is the 4ghz.

The next essential feature I will talk about is the Storage.

Storage is the capacity of your computer to be able to store voluminous system resources such as files and documents.

It is also important in considering choice of computer for purchase. If you purchase a low storage laptop, you wont be able to store large files and applications in your system.

Ranges of the storage device starts from 20gig to 1 terrabyte. It even extends to yottabyte for those who may be concerned with video jobs. If your system got a low storage, it doesn't mean it is bad you can still purchase and external storage for it. Probably a harddrive, CD, or flash drive.

The memory will be able to handle current temporary activities carried out by the processor. A similar one in this case if the ram.


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The acronym for ram is random acess memory. They currently hold instructions handled by the processor.

This article has been able to provide the three basic essentials to note when buying a computer.