in Freewriters4 years ago

This is my entry to Zapfic contest.
You can get more information about the contest and even the link to join through this link

Source "Zac Durant by upsplashlink

despite the fact that I told her I am sorry I could not do it. she said to me "You have just committed a cardinal sin on the blockchain" for saying you can't.
You can.WHY? Because I didn't think I could too and I strongly believed you can


I told you I am not a tag but you blogged and you made a comment to the sue pairing blog I made so the vote of 💯 is yours

I heard you the first time friend, but i still want to create a tag #brittandjosie, Thank you.

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Good advice for any new member of Hive. Thanks for letting me know you appreciate it. Good luck in the contest. One thing you may want to check is your punctuation and sentence structure.

OK, thank you