La pesca - The fihing (Cuentochip)

in Freewriters3 years ago



El rudimentario anzuelo del niño, intenta atrapar algún pez en el muelle del lago.

Está convencido que podrá llevarse algo para el almuerzo.

De repente cuando intenta levantar el cordel amarrado al palo algo se lo impide.

Su corazón late a millón.

Algo grande ha picado el anzuelo.

La adrenalina lo ayuda para sacar fuerzas de donde no tiene e ir venciendo la fuerza del animal.

Tal vez sea un bagre, hay muchos por allí.

Cuando por fin logra sacarlo al muelle, tras un jalón, su cara se transforma de alegría a rabia.

Ha pescado una vieja llanta de bicicleta.


English version


The rudimentary hook of the boy, tries to catch some fish in the dock of the lake.

He is convinced that he will be able to take something for lunch.

Suddenly, when he tries to lift the string tied to the pole, something stops him.

His heart beats a million times.

Something big has taken the bait.

The adrenaline helps him to get strength from where he does not have it and to overcome the strength of the animal.

Maybe it is a catfish, there are many of them around.

When he finally manages to get it out to the dock, after a pull, his face turns from joy to rage.

He has caught an old bicycle tire.


Nice. I was not expecting this. For me, it is usually a tree limb or stump.


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