Approaching Womanhood | 7 May 2024, @mariannewest's Freewrite Writing Prompt Day 2365 | Prompt: not so stable (no tan estable)

in Freewriterslast month (edited)


Nadine could barely hear the muffled voices. From the other side of the door, she pressed closer, her heart pounding in her ears threatening to drown out the conversation she wasn't invited to be a part of. Nothing was going to stop her as her future depended upon the outcome.

"Of course, I can't give him my blessing. You of all people know he's not so stable. And our daughter needs a steady, mature, and Christian hand to guide her."

Nadine closed her eyes and waited for the response.

Instead, a loud thud she'd previously heard numerous times emanated from her father's desk. Her mother, a fierce five-foot tall woman, didn't appreciate bringing the Lord into the conversation as a way to justify a personal preference. On that point, Nadine agreed, shaking her head.

But on this occasion, Nadine's eyes widen with fright and disgust at the answer her mother delivered.

"Even though I suspect she likes Luther, he is an odd sort from the usual nice fellas in town, what with those big ideas and dreams for his future. Some I've never heard of, but the fancy words sound educated. A feeling rose up in the pit of my stomach as if he were belittling us."

"See. I told you, Molly. Anyway, how do you even know he's serious. All we have to go on is Nadine's word. He's never approached me for asking for her hand in marriage. Don't you see he has no upbringing! He'll probably string her along, then move on to those kind of girls who don't attend church! I'll not have her soiled. We'll have to look for alternatives, because a decent husband will be hard to find."

"Arthur, you should be ashamed of yourself!" Molly replied in a a raised, although hushed tone.

Nadine couldn't see her mother, Molly, then cover her mouth, silently agreeing with her husband as she usually did. Arthur was more knowledgeable in affairs of this nature, she believed. Him being the pastor's assistant.

With trembling lips and flaring nostrils, Nadine angrily retreated. She turned and bolted up the stairs, slamming the her bedroom door. How little they think of me, she shuddered, pacing the floor.

She paused, then plopped down hard on the bed, grabbed her headphone, fell back, and covered her eyes with balled fists. Anger prevented tears from flowing. Country music pulled her parents' conversation from her thoughts. The words floated away on the lyrics, replaced with her own tune.

Poor me. I'll be past womanhood and still not married the direction my life is taking. No one will ever be good enough in papa's eyes, she thought. And partly because Luther was not wearing trousers!

What silly notion.

Expectations ran high between her parent. Subtle pressure was thrust upon them until they had no choice but to accept and agree to their pastor's sanctimonious teachings. Never once did they stop to think of the compromising situations he occasionally landed in that were kept hidden behind the pulpit in the deacon's adept hands at burying the truth under the Wednesday bible study sessions.

Agitated, she jumped from the bed and continued pacing as the wooden floor creaked her anxiousness. "Yes, Luther is different! Men from the city know things, I've read. He can teach me all I kneed to know," she murmured.

An illuminating light flashed before her eyes. She strolled over to the vanity mirror. I have to take control of my life, else I'll be stuck in this house and this town forever was her conclusion.

Nadine knew that summer was approaching. Her parents urged, but she refused to apply to the local community collage. They'd nag her until she relented. Truth be told, she had no intention of spending another day in a classroom.

A bright idea formed.

It was so simple, she didn't understand why she hadn't thought it it sooner.


Elope! Run far away from this narrow-minded place. The only sensible solution.

She dwelt on those thoughts, formulating reasons to justify what she now felt was her only option. No! It was her duty if freedom from oppression was the goal.

Glancing toward the opposite wall, her high school diploma, freshly printed, stared back at her. That's all I need to survive. Another plus tossed into the justification bucket to verify she was approaching womanhood.

If mom and dad only knew the difficulty this past six months holding Luther off until marriage, they'd be proud, she mused. He reluctantly agreed, but I knew he wouldn't wait another six months.

Marriage was the only option.

Thinking quickly, she rushed over to the secretary and pulled out the Yellow Pages. Flipping to the section for Church listings, she located a church on the opposite end of town. The only way there was by bus.

"That's the one," she pointed gleefully. It's off the road in the next county. But I've seen it many times on our family trips. I don't need anything fancy, especially a rice shower like the ones in magazines. It may be a rundown church, but it'll do. And the part-time pastor needs all the money he can scrape in.

Talking to herself while shaking her head in agreement made sense in avoiding any potential catastrophe. A marriage licence and waiting period didn't register with her as requirements before the actual ceremony.

Yanking a thick towel from a nearby rack, Nadine grabbed her piggy bank then dropped to the floor. She covered it with the towel while she watched a week's pay pour out once the edge of the large Oxford shoe made contact.

She hurriedly packed a small suitcase, then placed it in her closet. Afterward, she called Luther. He listened quietly to her plans for their elopement.

Nadine slept little that night after setting the alarm clock, and placing it under her coverlet.

The light of dawn seeped into her room. Rubbing her eyes, she remembered the alarm and quickly turned it off. She refreshed, then readied herself for the trip to meet Luther. Out the door she slipped before her parents woke.

At the edge of the road, she flagged a ride headed in the direction of town.


The knock at the front door surprised Mrs. Peterson as she prepared breakfast. Her husband had yet to join her, so she paused and called to him and Nadine as well before answering the door.

She didn't expect Nadine to respond, nor did she blame her. Upset was putting it mildly how she knew her daughter was feeling. She'd decided not to approach her last night. She'd give her time to calm down, then they'd both tell her at breakfast of the decision they'd reached regarding Luther.

The last person she expected to see was Luther.

"May I speak with you for a moment?" he nervously requested.

Molly stepped outside not wanting to upset Nadine and her husband. Luther pressed the letter in her hand. With a frown on her face, she accepted it.

"You're leaving, aren't you, Luther?" Molly stared at him.

"It's best. Please relay my apologies to your husband." He paused. "And Nadine once she returns home." Luther looked away, then down.

"Wait a minute! What do you mean? Nadine is upstairs in her room." Molly's hand began to shake as she spoke.

"No. She believes we're eloping. She's in town waiting for me."

Luther explained to Molly his and Nadine's conversation. "Thanks Luther for letting us know. We'll handle Nadine. Even though it's an odd way to break up with someone, I think I understand."

Molly slipped the open envelope into her apron and returned indoors.

She finished cooking breakfast, then sat and opened the envelope. If Luther didn't want us to read the letter, he would have sealed it, she reasoned.

Molly held back tears as she read the letter.

"Dear Nadine. I hope you'll understand my position. I considered your offer last night, but regret to inform you that I can't accept it. I'm not in love with you. You need to focus on your education and mature before you make adult decisions. I know you think you're in love with me, but rest assured, you aren't. You'll find someone in the future who will adore and cherish you. The big city is no place for you at this stage in your life. Trust me. I know you'll hate me for a while. I deserve that. But you'll thank me later. I apologize if you feel I misled you with feelings that amounted to more than a physical attraction. You need to matriculate. Explore your options. Meet people. Take care and have a wonderful life. Love, LUTHER."

She returned the letter to her apron.

If Nadine had only waited for me to come to her room and explain, she thought. She'd be in her room preparing for the weekend. She knew her daughter was listening to their conversation. She just didn't wait long enough to hear them reach a compromise. "Maybe Luther can teach her more than we or this town ever could. Just give him a chance, Arthur. That's all I ask." And Arthur obliged.

Now, there was no need for compromise. This episode in Nadine's life had ended.

It should have been a relief, but all Molly could think of was being squeezed in the middle of her daughter and her husband. literally drained all her energy most days. But today, she needed strength for what lay ahead.

Molly absently drank her coffee. Arthur burst into the kitchen, not noticing the somber look. Molly immediately reached into her apron and handed him the letter.

"Why that scoundrel! I knew he had no intentions of marrying my little girl." Incensed, he tossed the letter back at his wife.

Molly informed Arthur of Nadine's disappearance and Luther's admission of her whereabouts. She knew Nadine would be waiting for Luther at their arranged location.

Finished with breakfast, they stared at each, then rose and readied themselves for the trip to town.

"Let's go get our daughter. She will need me. But she will need you more as a father, not a pastor, so put away your Bible for now. You can explain to her why Luther made the decision he did."

As the car rolled down the hill towards town, Molly Peterson clutched the letter while thoughts traveled to a time when she was approaching womanhood. She vowed never to regret her defiance and the outcome of the choice she hastily made. How could she given the second chance life awarded her? That headstrong daughter was proof of that.

Molly squinted at the small figure in the distance. A large overnight bag rested nearby.

There stood Nadine at the station crying profusely.


For my theme, I was inspired by and utilized the @daily.prompt's publishing of five prompts:

7 May 2024, @mariannewest's Freewrite Writing Prompt Day 2365: Not so stable

5 May 2024, @mariannewest's Freewrite Writing Prompt Day 2363: rundown church

2 May 2024, @mariannewest's Freewrite Writing Prompt Day 2360: rice shower

27 April 2024, @mariannewest's Freewrite Writing Prompt Day 2355: not wearing trousers

25 April 2024, @mariannewest's Freewrite Writing Prompt Day 2353: poor me!


Approaching Womanhood Spanish Translation


Acercándose a la feminidad

Nadine apenas oía las voces apagadas. Desde el otro lado de la puerta, se acercó más, con el corazón latiéndole con fuerza en los oídos, amenazando con ahogar la conversación a la que no había sido invitada a participar. Nada iba a detenerla, ya que su futuro dependía del resultado.

"Por supuesto, no puedo darle mi bendición. Tú mejor que nadie sabes que no es tan estable. Y nuestra hija necesita una mano firme, madura y cristiana que la guíe."

Nadine cerró los ojos y esperó la respuesta.

En su lugar, un fuerte golpe que ya había oído en numerosas ocasiones emanó del escritorio de su padre. A su madre, una mujer feroz de metro y medio de estatura, no le gustó que se metiera al Señor en la conversación como forma de justificar una preferencia personal. En ese punto, Nadine estaba de acuerdo, negando con la cabeza.

Pero en esta ocasión, los ojos de Nadine se abrieron de par en par con espanto y disgusto ante la respuesta que le dio su madre.

"Aunque sospecho que Luther le cae bien, es un tipo raro entre los simpáticos tipos habituales de la ciudad, con esas grandes ideas y sueños para su futuro. Algunos nunca los he oído nombrar, pero las palabras rimbombantes suenan educadas. Un sentimiento se levantó en la boca de mi estómago como si nos estuviera menospreciando".

"Ves. Te lo dije, Molly. De todos modos, ¿cómo sabes siquiera que va en serio? Todo lo que tenemos es la palabra de Nadine. Nunca se me ha acercado para pedir su mano en matrimonio. ¡No ves que no tiene educación! ¡Probablemente la engañará y luego se irá con ese tipo de chicas que no van a la iglesia! No permitiré que la ensucien. Tendremos que buscar alternativas, porque un marido decente será difícil de encontrar".

"Arthur, ¡deberías avergonzarte!", replicó Molly en tono elevado, aunque en voz baja.

Nadine no pudo ver cómo su madre, Molly, se tapaba entonces la boca, dándole la razón en silencio a su marido, como solía hacer. Arthur estaba más informado en asuntos de esta naturaleza, creía ella. Siendo él el ayudante del pastor.

Con los labios temblorosos y las fosas nasales encendidas, Nadine se retiró furiosa. Se dio la vuelta y subió las escaleras dando un portazo. Qué poco me tienen en cuenta, se estremeció, paseándose por el suelo.

Hizo una pausa y se dejó caer sobre la cama, cogió los auriculares, se echó hacia atrás y se tapó los ojos con los puños cerrados. La rabia impedía que brotaran las lágrimas. La música country sacó de sus pensamientos la conversación de sus padres. Las palabras se desvanecieron en la letra, sustituidas por su propia melodía.

Pobre de mí. Pasaré de mujer y seguiré sin casarme con la dirección que está tomando mi vida. Nadie será lo bastante bueno a los ojos de papá, pensó. ¡Y en parte porque Luther no llevaba pantalones!

Qué tontería.

Las expectativas eran muy altas entre sus padres. Se les presionaba sutilmente hasta que no tenían más remedio que aceptar y estar de acuerdo con las santurronas enseñanzas de su pastor. Ni una sola vez se pararon a pensar en las situaciones comprometidas en las que se veía envuelto de vez en cuando, ocultas tras el púlpito por las hábiles manos del diácono para enterrar la verdad bajo las sesiones de estudio bíblico de los miércoles.

Agitada, saltó de la cama y continuó paseándose mientras el suelo de madera crujía su ansiedad. "¡Sí, Lutero es diferente! Los hombres de la ciudad saben cosas, he leído. Él puede enseñarme todo lo que necesito saber", murmuró.

Una luz iluminadora centelleó ante sus ojos. Se acercó al espejo del tocador. Tengo que tomar las riendas de mi vida, de lo contrario me quedaré atrapada en esta casa y en esta ciudad para siempre", fue su conclusión.

Nadine sabía que se acercaba el verano. Sus padres la insistieron, pero ella se negó a matricularse en la universidad local. La regañaban hasta que cedía. A decir verdad, no tenía ninguna intención de pasar otro día en un aula.

Se le ocurrió una idea brillante.

Era tan sencilla que no entendía por qué no se le había ocurrido antes.


¡Huye! Huir lejos de este lugar de mente estrecha. La única solución sensata.

Reflexionó sobre esos pensamientos, formulando razones para justificar lo que ahora sentía que era su única opción. ¡No! Era su deber si el objetivo era liberarse de la opresión.

Mirando hacia la pared opuesta, su diploma de bachillerato, recién impreso, le devolvió la mirada. Es todo lo que necesito para sobrevivir. Otro punto más en el cubo de las justificaciones para comprobar que se acercaba a la edad adulta.

Si papá y mamá supieran lo difícil que ha sido estos seis meses aguantar a Luther hasta el matrimonio, estarían orgullosos, pensó. Aceptó a regañadientes, pero sabía que no esperaría otros seis meses.

El matrimonio era la única opción.

Pensando con rapidez, se apresuró hacia la secretaria y sacó las Páginas Amarillas. Hojeando la sección de listados de Iglesias, localizó una iglesia en el extremo opuesto de la ciudad. La única manera de llegar era en autobús.

Esa es" -señaló alegremente-. Está fuera de la carretera, en el condado de al lado. Pero la he visto muchas veces en nuestros viajes familiares. No necesito nada lujoso, sobre todo una ducha de arroz como las de las revistas. Puede que sea una iglesia al atardecer, pero servirá. Y el pastor a tiempo parcial necesita todo el dinero que pueda reunir.

Hablar consigo misma mientras movía la cabeza en señal de acuerdo tenía sentido para evitar cualquier posible catástrofe. La licencia de matrimonio y el período de espera no le parecían requisitos previos a la ceremonia.

Nadine cogió una toalla gruesa de un perchero cercano, cogió su hucha y se dejó caer al suelo. La cubrió con la toalla mientras veía cómo la paga de una semana se derramaba en cuanto el borde del gran zapato Oxford hacía contacto.

Se apresuró a hacer una pequeña maleta y la guardó en el armario. Después llamó a Luther. Él escuchó en silencio sus planes de fuga.

Nadine durmió poco aquella noche tras poner el despertador y colocarlo bajo la colcha.

La luz del amanecer se filtró en su habitación. Frotándose los ojos, recordó la alarma y la apagó rápidamente. Se refrescó y se preparó para ir al encuentro de Luther. Salió por la puerta antes de que sus padres se despertaran.

Al borde de la carretera, hizo señas a un coche que se dirigía a la ciudad.


La llamada a la puerta principal sorprendió a la señora Peterson mientras preparaba el desayuno. Su marido aún no se había reunido con ella, así que hizo una pausa y le llamó a él y también a Nadine antes de abrir la puerta.

No esperaba que Nadine respondiera, ni la culpaba por ello. Por decirlo suavemente, sabía que su hija estaba disgustada. Anoche había decidido no acercarse a ella. Le daría tiempo para calmarse y luego, durante el desayuno, ambas le comunicarían la decisión que habían tomado con respecto a Luther.

La última persona a la que esperaba ver era a Luther.

"¿Puedo hablar contigo un momento?", le pidió nervioso.

Molly salió sin querer molestar a Nadine y a su marido. Luther le puso la carta en la mano. Con el ceño fruncido, ella la aceptó.

"Te vas, ¿verdad, Luther? " Molly lo miró fijamente.

"Es lo mejor. Por favor, transmite mis disculpas a tu marido". Hizo una pausa. "Y a Nadine cuando vuelva a casa". Luther miró hacia otro lado, luego hacia abajo.

"¡Un momento! ¿Qué quieres decir? Nadine está arriba en su habitación " La mano de Molly empezó a temblar mientras hablaba.

"No. Ella cree que nos fugamos. Está en la ciudad esperándome".

Luther le explicó a Molly su conversación con Nadine. *"Gracias Luther por avisarnos. Nos encargaremos de Nadine. Aunque es una forma extraña de romper con alguien, creo que lo entiendo."

Molly se metió el sobre abierto en el delantal y volvió a casa.

Terminó de preparar el desayuno, se sentó y abrió el sobre. Si Luther no quisiera que leyéramos la carta, la habría sellado, razonó.

Molly contuvo las lágrimas mientras leía la carta.

"Querida Nadine. Espero que entiendas mi posición. Anoche consideré tu oferta, pero lamento comunicarte que no puedo aceptarla. No estoy enamorada de ti. Necesitas centrarte en tu educación y madurar antes de tomar decisiones de adulto. Sé que crees que estás enamorada de mí, pero ten por seguro que no es así. Encontrarás a alguien en el futuro que te adore y te quiera. La gran ciudad no es lugar para ti en esta etapa de tu vida. Créeme. Sé que me odiarás por un tiempo. Me lo merezco. Pero me lo agradecerás después. Me disculpo si sientes que te engañé con sentimientos que iban más allá de una atracción física. Necesitas matricularte. Explora tus opciones. Conoce gente. Cuídate y ten una vida maravillosa. Con amor, LUTHER".

Devolvió la carta a su delantal.

Si Nadine hubiera esperado a que fuera a su habitación a explicárselo, pensó. Estaría en su habitación preparándose para el fin de semana. Sabía que su hija estaba escuchando su conversación. Sólo que no esperó lo suficiente para oírles llegar a un acuerdo. *"Tal vez Luther pueda enseñarle más de lo que nosotros o este pueblo jamás podríamos. Sólo dale una oportunidad, Arthur. Es todo lo que pido". Y Arthur accedió.

Ahora, no había necesidad de compromiso. Este episodio en la vida de Nadine había terminado.

Debería haber sido un alivio, pero todo en lo que Molly podía pensar era en estar apretujada en medio de su hija y su marido. literalmente drenaba toda su energía la mayoría de los días. Pero hoy necesitaba fuerzas para lo que le esperaba.

Molly bebía distraídamente su café. Arthur irrumpió en la cocina, sin darse cuenta de su aspecto sombrío. Molly metió inmediatamente la mano en el delantal y le entregó la carta.

"¡Vaya ese canalla! Sabía que no tenía intenciones de casarse con mi hijita". Indignado, le devolvió la carta a su esposa.

Molly informó a Arthur de la desaparición de Nadine y de la confesión de Luther sobre su paradero. Sabía que Nadine estaría esperando a Luther en el lugar acordado.

Terminaron de desayunar, se miraron fijamente, luego se levantaron y se prepararon para el viaje a la ciudad.

"Vamos a buscar a nuestra hija. Me necesitará. Pero te necesitará más como padre, no como pastor, así que guarda tu Biblia por ahora. Puedes explicarle por qué Lutero tomó la decisión que tomó".

Mientras el coche bajaba la colina en dirección a la ciudad, Molly Peterson aferró la carta mientras sus pensamientos viajaban a una época en la que se acercaba a la edad adulta. Juró no arrepentirse nunca de su rebeldía y del resultado de la decisión que había tomado precipitadamente. ¿Cómo podía dar la segunda oportunidad que la vida le había concedido? Aquella hija testaruda era la prueba de ello.

Molly entrecerró los ojos al ver la pequeña figura a lo lejos. Una gran bolsa de viaje descansaba cerca.

Allí estaba Nadine, en la estación, llorando a lágrima viva.


Para mi tema, me inspiré y utilicé la publicación de @daily.prompt de:

7 May 2024, @mariannewest's Freewrite Writing Prompt Day 2365: Not so stable

5 May 2024, @mariannewest's Freewrite Writing Prompt Day 2363: rundown church

2 May 2024, @mariannewest's Freewrite Writing Prompt Day 2360: rice shower

27 April 2024, @mariannewest's Freewrite Writing Prompt Day 2355: not wearing trousers

25 April 2024, @mariannewest's Freewrite Writing Prompt Day 2353: poor me!


Good luck everyone with whatever your endeavors.


a) JustClickindiva's Footer created in Canva utilizing its free background and images used with permission from discord admins.
b) Unless otherwise noted, all photos taken by me with my (i) Samsung Galaxy 10" Tablet, (ii) Samsung Phone, & (iii) FUJI FinePix S3380 - 14 Mega Pixels Digital Camera
c) Purple Butterfly part of purchased set of Spiritual Clip Art for my Personal Use
d) All Community logos, banners, page dividers used with permission of Discord Channel admins.
e) Ladies of Hive banner used with permission of and in accordance with the admin's guidelines
f) Thumbnail Image created by me in Canva.
g) "Flames." What is Apophysis 2.09.


English is my native language.
If translation included, I use DeepL to assist my readers.
Thanks for your patience an understanding

El inglés es mi lengua materna.
Si se incluye traducción, utilizo DeepL para ayudar a mis lectores.
Gracias por su paciencia y comprensión.



Poor Nadine! Luther's appearance at Molly's doorstep was all I needed to know that this young and experienced city boy had broken our young protagonist's heart. A beautifully written story that explores a young lady's journey to maturation and self-discovery!

Infatuation is a strong emotion that teenagers and young adults often deal with, until a mature adult or elder steps in to guide them right. However, not every lady is fortunate to get this guidance. Some go ahead and make a terrible mistake and live the rest of their lives trying to correct it. Thankfully, Molly and Arthur set aside thier differences to guide and support their daughter.

Did Luther do right by Nadine? 🤔 In a way, yes but I think he shouldn't have led her on from the beginning! 😄 A fine story! Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful day. !PIMP

You must be killin' it out here!
@kemmyb just slapped you with 1.000 PIMP, @justclickindiva.
You earned 1.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 1/1 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

First, did Luther do right by Nadine? I'm mixed on that issue as well. He would have been completely wrong to have enticed her into a physical relationship, then left. Thankfully, he came to his senses when she began planning an elopement when his plans were far from that. I feel it was all in Nadine mind and feelings. Of course, he could have snapped her out of that daydream before that fateful day of her running away. And again, thankfully, she only went as far as in town.

Second, a lesson in adolescence. Her mother knew exactly what Nadine was going through, since she experienced the same thing. Whether it was with her current husband, she didn't divulge that.

Teens feel that there is nothing past that stage of their lives, so their focus is wholeheartedly self-centered. Consequences never enter the picture. Oftentimes, situations don't work out and harm befalls the youth. I'm glad it worked out in a roundabout way for Nadine. Hopefully, she learns from her mistake.

Thanks so much for your visit and thoughtful analysis of my story. I appreciate it and your engagement. Take care.

The sweep of this story is amazing ... the fact there is a happy ending when we KNOW it could have gone wrong a dozen different ways ... and there are generational effects ... just amazing!

Thanks for your visit. You are correct in your assessment that a number of way this situation could have ended, and some may have been tragic. Fortunately, the young man did the right thing in alerting the young girl's parents. He did own some fault in that he was older and should not have allowed the situation to progress to that point knowing he had no intentions in her direction.

At that age, girls can't decipher between infatuation and love. With parents' guidance, they can navigate. Some listen.

I appreciate your engagement and support. Take care.


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