The 50th Wedding Anniversary | ZAPFIC MONDAY (Week 34) | (6/20/22) - Prompt: shelter


The ZAPFIC 240-character challenge this event week brings us the prompt "shelter". My first thought was for the popular definition of the word as a place of safety from physical harm. But what about safety of the mind from mental harm or protection. This is the story that came to mind on this Monday's ZAPFIC. and the Freewrite House bring up the challenge in a new format: ZAPFIC Monday. The rules are below if you'd like to participate.

As previously done, I leave here my wordcounter screenshot showing the exact word count for my microfiction story:

Screenshot 2022-06-20 at 20-55-53 WordCounter - Count Words & Correct Writing-ZAPFicMonday-6-20-22.png

My story is below.


During Phil's nursing home visit, his sister, Gwen called to confirm the 50th Anniversary party.

Their dad only smiled.

An hour later, an hysterical Gwen called about their mom's fatal accident.

Devastated, he couldn't tell his dad. Not today.



If you'd like to participate, here is the official post: Happy #ZapFicMonday everyone! Write me a story using 240 characters or less.

  • Post to the Freewriters Community.

  • Use #freewritehouse and #zapfic tags.

  • Please use a word/character counter (if you search for word counter on the internet or in your phone's app store you will get a big choice!) and include a screenshot. This makes it easier for you and @feltbuzz!

  • Use the prompt provided as you see fit (use your imagination)

  • You have 3 days (until Thursday 23h59 GMT) to post a Zapfic (a story written in 240 characters or less) using the prompt given.

  • Try to tell a complete story if you can!

  • The story should only be 240 characters long (including spaces)



Happy rest of the week everyone with whatever your endeavors.







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e) Ladies of Hive banner used with permission of and in accordance with the admin's guidelines
f) Thumbnail Image created by me in Canva utilizing it's free templates and including free image by Pexels at Pixabay.

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Hello @justclickindiva. This story started out with a celebratory call, then a life-altering one. Phil made the right decision to hold off telling Dad the devastating news.

Yes, it just goes to show you how quickly plans can change. He wanted to shelter his dad from the news. He probably knew that if he did tell him, he and his sister would have two deaths to deal with. But then, who's to say he won't eventually after hearing the news at some point. This is true, especially when couples have been together for over 40+ years.

Thanks for taking the time to read my story. I appreciate your support.

Take care.

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 111 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!