Too Close For Comfort | Mariannewest's Freewrite Writing Prompt Day 2034 | Prompt: a very close shave (un afeitado muy apurado) [Eng/Esp]


One moment they were laughing and talking. The next, Veronica was screaming.

Jeremy's head snapped around quickly, trying to assess the situation.

Veronica was no longer a few steps behind him, but her screams kept coming.

Attempting to assess the danger and the direction from which it might be approaching, he turned several times, circling.

Veronica's screams dissolved into a whimper as though struggling to speak.

Suddenly, all noises ceased. The evening forest's eerie quiet followed as though Veronica had simply vanished.

In his twenty-two years, Jeremy had encountered numerous dangers in the forest. But an unseen one was his first.

He recalled his forest service training. He extracted his weapons.

He had to protect his client. Most importantly, he had to protect his reputation. In all his years, he'd never lost a tourist. The majority of his tour guide business were referrals from the nearby college. He prided himself on his knowledge of the local landscape. Bird species that migrated there was his specialty.

Working on her thesis, Veronica was passionate in her Ornithology studies. She had arranged an outing in that particular forest she had yet to explore. Enjoying and documenting the beauty of the forest through the lens of the binoculars, she'd just spotted an unfamiliar bird species.

Jeremy smiled as he did each time he was able to point out a species unknown to her.

However, only moments ago, she was a few steps behind him on the trail. He had tracked her movements by the rustling of her shoes.

Now it seems as though Veronica had been plucked from this beautiful, serene place.

Her voice grew faint. The air, once waffling through the trees, seemed to rise upward from the shelf floor.

Jeremy froze. For a second, he was unable to identify the threat. His nostrils flared. Arms crossed, he clenched one weapons in each hand. He wasn't a large, burly guy ripped in the middle. But with a black belt to his credit, he could hold his own.

The next moment, he felt a tingling sensation around his head. Unable to look up, he looked down as his feet were rapidly losing touch with the forest bed.

Suddenly, a blood-curdling scream erupted from his mouth as his flushed face displayed the agony his mind felt over his hair seemingly being torn from his head.

Tentacles with a death grip pulled him further upward until he came face to face with Veronica.


Gasping for air and unable to speak, it appeared that Veronica was initially in shock.

Jeremy watched in horror as Veronica turned toward the reptile. He felt the end was near, but prayed instead.

As her head inched closer, she flung out her hands in desperation. Only then did perhaps Veronica realize her head was being guided slowly and deliberately by enormous fangs into the creature's mouth. The opening stretched wider as the reptile sought to accommodate her entire body.

Aghast at seeing his client in the grip of such a hideous reptilian creature, his first though was that of a venomous snake. Silky black with streaks of various colors, it was distorted. Disfigured. He could barely describe the scaly creature with numerous giant tentacles. The scaly body wrapped around limbs heading upward. The gigantic reptile must have been over twenty feet in length.

Jeremy attempted to shift his torso.

In order to rescue Veronica, it was imperative he save himself first. She was under his care. He couldn't allow her to perish. Jeremy collected his thoughts. He'd be no good to either of them.

Then, Jeremy noticed something unusual. The creature looked as though it was slow moving, as a sloth might do, in its attempt to consume Veronica head first.

It appeared that Veronica was a fighter. Jeremy would not have thought that of her on their initial meeting. She struggled as best she could to avoid directly entering the creature's mouth.

An opening perhaps. The beast seemed unsure how to handle the situation if she didn't cooperate and go down smoothly to her destiny.

That meant Jeremy had a few moments to at least try to extract himself, then pull her out of the creature's mouth.

Managing to slow his breathing, he willed his hands steady. With the large hunting knife, he stabbed several times into the flesh of the creature. Its outer shell was thick. He continued to deliver long and deliberate lacerations, slicing into one part of the tentacle that was slowly squeezing him.

Meanwhile, Jeremy slipped a rope around a nearby branch as the suction-cupped tentacle fell away from his body.

Extricating Veronica would be difficult. The reptile's head was too large, and Jeremy's knife was too small. But he kept carving at it, then twisting and poking.

If only he could gouge out the eyes, they might have a chance with a blind and wounded creature. But he dared not shoot. Veronica was blocking the path.

Slicing furiously back and forth, Jeremy ripped through the flesh of the head just enough that crimson mixed with green gushed out.

Suddenly, the creature released Veronica. She fell to the ground.

She looked around and began to scramble away furiously until she noticed the serpent's head had followed her descent.

She had no more scream left. She was now mad as hell.

She jumped up from the ground and kicked the creature's head, then picked up a rock and bashed it into the reptile's mouth.

"Chew on that!" She yelled instead.

Jeremy had carefully made his way down from the tree.

He examined Veronica to ensure she wasn't seriously hurt. Thankfully, on the outside she looked as if she'd sustained minor cuts on her face, with numerous scratches and bruises elsewhere.

Internally, he knew that she was scared beyond disbelief. But she handled herself with amazing courage. He admired her tenacity as he wiped off her forehead.

Within minutes, they grabbed their backpacks and ran as fast as they could away from reptile's face.

The creature lay staring up at its body partially hanging from the tree limb.

Once inside his vehicle, they looked at each other in silence, unable to put into words what they had just experienced. They did feel that they could relax a moment.

"I've heard about invasive reptile species smuggled into to our state. I had yet to encounter one or knew what to expect. I could not have imagined one growing to that size." His own body bruised, he felt he was lucky in his first encounter.

Jeremy knew he had to return to the scene and document this event, else no one would believe his story. He would also have to alert the Forest Service and local authorities. But he did have Veronica to verify their ordeal.

"Whew, that was a very close shave we had. My life depended upon you being there. I don't know how to thank you enough." Veronica looked at Jeremy for the first time since the tour.

"No, I wouldn't say that it was very close shave. It was a deadly close shave that could just as well been the end of us. We might not have lived to speak about it."

"Well, my thesis will be one of a kind when you document that monster and keep me informed." Veronica felt she had to concentrate on something positive. She turned to Jeremy and waited.

"You're not returning with me?" Jeremy was also shaking a bit inside, but not from the ordeal.

Veronica hesitated, then released a thin laugh. "Are you joking? Think I'll start writing. I complained of my dorm room feeling cramped. I can't wait to get back to it, lock my door, and wait for your call."

They looked at each other then drove away half smiling.



Demasiado cerca para la comodidad

En un momento estaban riendo y hablando. Al siguiente, Verónica estaba gritando.

Jeremy giró la cabeza rápidamente, tratando de evaluar la situación.

Verónica ya no estaba unos pasos detrás de él, pero sus gritos seguían.

Intentando evaluar el peligro y la dirección desde la que podría acercarse, se giró varias veces, dando vueltas.

Los gritos de Verónica se disolvieron en un gemido como si luchara por hablar.

De repente, cesaron todos los ruidos. Siguió la inquietante quietud del bosque nocturno como si Veronica simplemente se hubiera desvanecido.

En sus veintidós años, Jeremy se había enfrentado a numerosos peligros en el bosque. Pero el primero fue uno invisible.

Recordó su formación en el servicio forestal. Sacó sus armas.

Tenía que proteger a su cliente. Y lo que era más importante, tenía que proteger su reputación. En todos sus años, nunca había perdido a un turista. La mayor parte de su negocio como guía turístico eran recomendaciones de la universidad cercana. Se enorgullecía de su conocimiento del paisaje local. Las especies de aves que migraban allí eran su especialidad.

Verónica, que trabajaba en su tesis, era una apasionada de la ornitología. Había organizado una excursión a ese bosque en particular que aún no había explorado. Disfrutando y documentando la belleza del bosque a través de la lente de los prismáticos, acababa de avistar una especie de ave desconocida.

Jeremy sonrió como cada vez que era capaz de señalar una especie desconocida para ella.

Sin embargo, hacía unos instantes, ella iba unos pasos por detrás de él en el sendero. Había seguido sus movimientos por el crujido de sus zapatos.

Ahora parece como si Verónica hubiera sido arrancada de este hermoso y sereno lugar.

Su voz se debilitó. El aire, que antes flotaba entre los árboles, parecía elevarse desde el suelo de la repisa.

Jeremy se quedó helado. Por un segundo, fue incapaz de identificar la amenaza. Sus fosas nasales se encendieron. Con los brazos cruzados, apretó un arma en cada mano. No era un tipo grande, corpulento y rasgado por el medio. Pero con un cinturón negro en su haber, podía defenderse.

Al momento siguiente, sintió un hormigueo alrededor de la cabeza. Incapaz de levantar la vista, miró hacia abajo mientras sus pies perdían rápidamente contacto con el lecho del bosque.

De repente, un grito espeluznante salió de su boca mientras su rostro enrojecido mostraba la agonía que sentía su mente por el pelo que parecía haberle sido arrancado de la cabeza.

Unos tentáculos lo empujaron hacia arriba hasta que se encontró cara a cara con Verónica.


Jadeando e incapaz de hablar, parecía que Verónica estaba inicialmente en estado de shock.

Jeremy vio con horror cómo Verónica se volvía hacia el reptil. Sintió que el final estaba cerca, pero rezó en su lugar.

A medida que su cabeza se acercaba, extendió las manos con desesperación. Sólo entonces quizás Verónica se dio cuenta de que su cabeza estaba siendo guiada lenta y deliberadamente por enormes colmillos hacia la boca de la criatura. La abertura se ensanchaba a medida que el reptil intentaba acomodar todo su cuerpo.

Horrorizado al ver a su cliente en las garras de una criatura reptil tan horrible, su primer pensamiento fue el de una serpiente venenosa. De un negro sedoso con vetas de varios colores, estaba distorsionada. Desfigurada. Apenas podía describir a la criatura escamosa con numerosos tentáculos gigantes. El cuerpo escamoso envolvía unos miembros que se dirigían hacia arriba. El gigantesco reptil debía de medir más de seis metros.

Jeremy intentó mover el torso.

Para rescatar a Verónica, era imperativo que se salvara a sí mismo primero. Ella estaba bajo su cuidado. No podía permitir que pereciera. Jeremy ordenó sus pensamientos. No sería bueno para ninguno de los dos.

Entonces, Jeremy notó algo inusual. La criatura parecía moverse lentamente, como lo haría un perezoso, en su intento de consumir a Verónica de cabeza.

Parecía que Verónica era una luchadora. Jeremy no habría pensado eso de ella en su encuentro inicial. Luchó lo mejor que pudo para evitar entrar directamente en la boca de la criatura.

Una abertura tal vez. La bestia parecía no estar segura de cómo manejar la situación si ella no cooperaba y bajaba sin problemas a su destino.

Eso significaba que Jeremy tenía unos momentos para al menos intentar extraerse, y luego sacarla de la boca de la criatura.

Consiguió ralentizar la respiración y mantuvo las manos firmes. Con el gran cuchillo de caza, se clavó varias veces en la carne de la criatura. Su caparazón era grueso. Continuó asestando largas y deliberadas laceraciones, cortando una parte del tentáculo que lo apretaba lentamente.

Mientras tanto, Jeremy deslizó una cuerda alrededor de una rama cercana mientras el tentáculo con ventosa se desprendía de su cuerpo.

Sacar a Verónica sería difícil. La cabeza del reptil era demasiado grande y el cuchillo de Jeremy demasiado pequeño. Pero siguió cortando, retorciendo y pinchando.

Si pudiera arrancarle los ojos, tendrían una oportunidad con una criatura ciega y herida. Pero no se atrevió a disparar. Verónica estaba bloqueando el camino.

Rebanando furiosamente de un lado a otro, Jeremy rasgó la carne de la cabeza lo suficiente como para que brotara una mezcla de carmesí y verde.

De repente, la criatura soltó a Verónica. Esta cayó al suelo.

Miró a su alrededor y empezó a escabullirse furiosamente hasta que se dio cuenta de que la cabeza de la serpiente había seguido su descenso.

Ya no le quedaban gritos. Ahora estaba furiosa como una cabra.

Saltó del suelo y pateó la cabeza de la criatura, luego cogió una piedra y la golpeó contra la boca del reptil.

"¡Mastica eso!" Gritó en su lugar.

Jeremy había bajado cuidadosamente del árbol.

Examinó a Verónica para asegurarse de que no estaba gravemente herida. Afortunadamente, por fuera parecía que se había hecho pequeños cortes en la cara, con numerosos arañazos y moratones en otras partes.

Internamente, él sabía que ella estaba asustada más allá de la incredulidad. Pero se comportó con una valentía asombrosa. Admiró su tenacidad mientras le limpiaba la frente.

En pocos minutos, cogieron sus mochilas y corrieron tan rápido como pudieron lejos de la cara del reptil.

La criatura yacía mirando su cuerpo parcialmente colgado de la rama del árbol.

Una vez dentro de su vehículo, se miraron en silencio, incapaces de expresar con palabras lo que acababan de vivir. Sí sintieron que podían relajarse un momento.

"Había oído hablar de especies de reptiles invasoras introducidas de contrabando en nuestro estado. Aún no me había encontrado con ninguna ni sabía qué esperar. No podría haber imaginado que uno creciera hasta ese tamaño". Con su propio cuerpo magullado, sintió que había tenido suerte en su primer encuentro.

Jeremy sabía que tenía que volver al lugar y documentar el suceso, de lo contrario nadie creería su historia. También tendría que alertar al Servicio Forestal y a las autoridades locales. Pero tenía a Verónica para verificar su terrible experiencia.

"Estuvimos muy cerca. Mi vida dependía de que estuvieras allí. No sé cómo agradecértelo lo suficiente". Verónica miró a Jeremy por primera vez desde la excursión.

"No, yo no diría que fue un afeitado muy apurado. Fue un afeitado mortal que bien podría haber sido nuestro final. Podríamos no haber vivido para hablar de ello".

"Bueno, mi tesis será única cuando documentes a ese monstruo y me mantengas informada". Veronica sintió que tenía que concentrarse en algo positivo. Se volvió hacia Jeremy y esperó.

"¿No vas a volver conmigo?". Jeremy también temblaba un poco por dentro, pero no por la terrible experiencia.

Verónica vaciló y luego soltó una fina carcajada. "¿Estás de broma? Creo que me pondré a escribir. Me quejaba de que mi dormitorio me parecía estrecho. Estoy deseando volver a ella, cerrar la puerta y esperar tu llamada".

Se miraron y se alejaron medio sonriendo.


For my theme, I was inspired by and utilized the @daily.prompt's publishing of:

Para mi tema, me inspiré y utilicé la publicación de @daily.prompt de:

@mariannewest's Freewrite Writing Prompt Day 2034. Prompt: a very close shave


Good luck everyone with whatever your endeavors.


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g) "Flames." What is Apophysis 2.09.


English is my native language.
If translation included, I use DeepL to assist my readers.
Thanks for your patience an understanding

El inglés es mi lengua materna.
Si se incluye traducción, utilizo DeepL para ayudar a mis lectores.
Gracias por su paciencia y comprensión.



What a thrilling and suspenseful story! You built the tension and danger perfectly that I feared Veronica and Jeremy might not survive. Thanks to Jeremy's determination and bravery, they made it!

The vivid descriptions of the reptilian creature and the fight scene is gripping. Beautifully written! Take care and have a lovely weekend. 😊 !LADY

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So pleased @kemmyb that you stopped by for an insightful visit. I look forward to your in-depth and thoughtful engagement on my stories. I'm happy to hear you found Jeremy and Veronica's outing suspenseful. They probably never expected to encounter a murderous reptile on a lovely bird watching venture. I'm sure Veronica will have an unusual thesis...and a new relationship perhaps.

You know one thing I wanted to instill in my story that is that individuals don't realize their inner strength until it's called up for duty. Some flight, while others decide to remain and fight. Whatever the choice, the ones that take flight do so with all their ability. The ones who fight do the same.

I'm happy to hear that my attempt at providing my readers all the action that I see comes though with my descriptions. Thanks for exposing that.

I appreciate your support always. Take care and have a good weekend.


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Hello @bhattg. What a nice surprise the gift of Ecency points on my short story. I'm pleased you like it. Thank you for doing so. I appreciate your support.

Take care and have a good rest of your weekend.


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Hello @bdcommunity. Thanks for your visit and alerting me that @rem-steem manually curated my short freewrite story. I'm pleased the content was favorable. I appreciate the support of the Community.

Take care and have a good rest of your weekend.

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Hello @indiaunited . Thanks so much for stopping by and advising that @bhattg manually curated my short story freewrite. I'm pleased the content was of quality. I appreciate the support of IndiaUnited Community and @bhattg.

Take care and have a good rest of your weekend.


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