(ENG/ESP) ZapFic50Monday write me a story in precisely 50 words (clerk): A drunken calf

in Freewriters25 days ago



An interesting challenge. Do it with 50 words. Here is the link to participate.

My story: A drunken calf


I hired an employee for the farm, Martha. I gave her instructions: the blue bottle has milk for the calf. She obeyed, but the contents were different. The calf loved it and immediately started jumping like crazy. She smelled the bottle. It was whiskey... My husband changed the contents again.


Contraté una empleada para la granja, Martha. Le dí instrucciones: el frasco azul tiene leche para el becerro. Ella obedeció pero, el contenido era otro. Al becerro le encantó e inmediatamente empezó a saltar como loco. Ella olió el frasco. Era whisky...Mi esposo otra vez cambió el contenido.
