18 March 2024 @mariannewest's! Freewrite Writing Prompt Day 2315 third rate singer!

in Freewriters3 months ago

Hi! Dear friends this is my entry about dailyprompt by the @dailyprompt, source prompt @freewritehouse
Amid a dimly lit tavern at the brink of town, the second one-charge performer sang for an unheeding mass. His voice cracked and confirmed that he become no longer a very good singer. however, some of the faces indifferent, there has been someone who listened carefully—a document producer with a thirst for the actual and the real. even though the singer had many weakness, this sincerity touched a chord. Following that play, the manufacturer walked as much as him and said that he could emerge as a celebrity. To top it all off, the as soon as third rate singer was a big hit singing triple a cloth charting abruptly high.



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