19 March 2024 @mariannewest's! freewrite writing prompt day 2316: miserable looking kitten!

in Freewriters3 months ago


Welcome to #dailyprompt by the @daily.prompt from the @Freewriterhouse
My relative's passion for animals was what made her notice the miserable looking kitten lying front, in the neighborhood. The appearance of it ragged made feel the beauty of its fragility. Holding the baby animal so gently in his hands, he softly spoke, trying to pour sweet words into little ears, promising a wonderful future. It was in a way that his love was reverberating throughout kitten's world every day he was there. That dull face today, show either love. In the arms of one caring human this tabby cat grew up, showing us once again, the strength of compassion and adoration which can bring man and animal together.



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