The Shroud

in Freewriterslast month

There was a new prompt released in the Freewriters community, which asks that we write a story in precisely 50 words, using the word 'invisible' as our inspiration.

Here's A Link To The Post If You'd Like To Check It Out.


"Lets just hope this works." The captain said as he stared intently at his monitors.

The cloaking technology was new, and using it against Gnosian pirates was a major risk.

"This will be a good trial." He said after a long moment.

Alarms blared, as the enemy vessels locked on.

I've never actually implemented cloaking technology in my stories, even though it's a popular idea in a lot of other science fiction.

Maybe in the future I could incorporate something like that into the stories, because it is a cool idea, and it could be used effectively in a narrative, especially if it were to fail at a pivotal moment.


Wow this is just brilliant,. you're literally Shakespeare to me man... Love how you managed to get around 50 words this is insane 🥰😍😍😍💯💯💯

Definitely an "oops" moment ! Love it 😀

I tinkered with cloaking in my setting, and then decided that it was likely to be the kind of arms race where detection technology would have the edge - to be fully cloaked, you have to be invisible in all the spectra, while the detectors only have to stumble on the single one where the cloaking has been forgotten or isn't 100%. So I switched to random plane/dimension/time-hopping as more likely to hold up against detection, at least until you get close enough to start trading pot-shots.