Power of a book

in Freewriters25 days ago

picture generated by @wakeupkitty host of this contest

Riley the great fairy wizard jumped up and down with excitement with the scroll in his hand. Finally, the book he had been searching for, for years now, had been found in a bookstore. A human owned bookstore for that matter. He shrugged because he knew he could take on any shape or form with his powers.

That was not his problem. His concern was that he needed to get to the book before the dark wizards got to it and wrecked havoc on the human world. The book contained the spells to ignite the opening of the portal to the underworld of the undead and their King, the dragon Erasmus.

If this happened, Erasmus and his army of sorcerers would suck every world into their dark void.

“Better hurry and get to it then” his assistant Freddy grumbled reading his mind.

“Always so grumpy, I won't be able to leave until nightfall, as I need to enhance my powers to last longer as a human figure. You never can tell what I'll find over there” Riley mused.

Freddy nodded his head and vanished with a cloud of smoke.

“Always so dramatic too” Riley chuckled, stepping into his chambers to begin his transformation.

“Evening Mr. Gates” Tom greeted the owner of his favorite bookstore who was busy packing his books outside.

“Evening, son, getting ready for Halloween tomorrow?” Mr. Gates asked the little man, who was already itching to go to the fantasy section to look for new books.

“You bet Mr. Gates, see you inside” Tom replied racing into the bookstore.

He walked down the aisles and gazed around happily. Tom always escaped to the library from his home when his parents started their fighting and bickering over money. He got lost in the world of books and returned home when the house must have settled down.

A book caught his eye and he pulled it out, the title said, “Poems of Erasmus”. It was a small, pretty book and Tom had been meaning to try reading poems. He decided to read the book because of this. He moved to the reading area, tucked himself into a corner and began reading.

“Open the pathway, read and unleash freedom. Seek and draw forth the wisdom of the old ways. Beware when Erasmus arises!”

“Hmm sounds interesting” Tom mumbled and continued reading.

Mr. Gates sat down busily trying to pack the reminder of the books showcased outside. He noticed a bright light in the distance and wondered what it was. He continued what he was doing, but as the light got bigger, and the street filled with fog, he turned and stared in that direction.

A few moments later, Mr. Gates sat open-mouthed and in shock at the sight before him. There were strange-looking people on the street, and a large dragon seemed to be coming out from the fog. He blinked a couple of times and shook his head.

“Oh heavens!” he said, rooted to the spot in fear.

Riley had appeared at the entrance of the bookstore dressed as a wizard of course, he stared at the scene unfolding before him and hissed in anger. Someone else had opened the cursed book! He stormed into the bookstore, hoping it wasn't one of the dark wizards.

“Young man, what do you think you're doing?” he said darkly as soon as he spotted Tom reading the book.

“Hello sir, I'm reading s-s-sir” Tom stuttered staring at the man in fear. Whoever this man was, he looked really irritated and scary.

“It's a good thing I got here in time, you've just started the process of opening the portals. Thankfully, you're just a little boy and not a dark wizard” Riley said, eyeing Tom up and down.

“I'm not a wizard sir, I swear” Tom squeaked.

“Humph, stay here while I try to put an end to what you've begun. Hopefully, Erasmus and his puppets are still weak enough to be sent back” Riley said, moving swiftly outside. “Stay here! Do not move”.

Tom took a moment to recover, then tiptoed to the entrance and nearly fainted at the sight before him.

Riley being a powerful wizard began the spell to close the portal and reverse the spell. It took a lot of time and energy, but he was able to successfully accomplish his mission and close the portal. A shocked looking Mr. Gates sat there watching the whole thing.

“You own this place?” Riley asked, walking up to him.

“Did I Just see everything that happened?” Mr. Gates asked.

“No you didn't” Riley said, casting a spell to clear the memory of the event in the area. He was glad there wasn't much people on the street to witness what just happened. He moved towards the book store and found Tom standing there and clutching the book.

“I believe that book should be with me” he said, taking it from Tom.

“Hey Sir, your wizard costume is spectacular, but Halloween is tomorrow” Tom said.

Riley chuckled, his spell never failed. The boy had forgotten everything that happened.

“Really? I better go home to change then. And you should be heading home too, it's getting late” Riley replied smiling.

Tom nodded and waved to Mr. Gates, then skipped home happily. Riley watched him go and felt sad for the things he saw when he looked at Tom. He decided to help the boy and his family with a little luck of riches. But firstly, he had to return to his chambers to hide the book safely. With a wave to Mr. Gates, Riley vanished into thin air.

-I see a book store, a foggy street with people about and a dragon with raised wings. There is a wizard standing on the steps at the entrance to the bookstore

-I get the feeling that something dangerous is about to happen.


An interesting storyline draws me into the story.
That's great. 👍

Thank you @veryhappyday

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Somehow it felt as if Tom's memory wasn't erased.
Thanks for joining pic1000. 👍