Young Perfetti

in Freewriterslast month

source picture generated by @wakeupkitty host of this contest

-I see a dragon with raised wings in a forest that is beautifully lit up with colors. There are colorful mushrooms also

-I feel that this dragon has been empowered by the beautiful environment

“What? Surely Perfetti is not the one to save us all” the king Dragon said looking alarmed.

“We may as well just dig our graves and wait for the plague to kill us all” another dragon said dryly from the crowd.

“Everyone knows Perfetti is the most lazy and fearful dragon in the realm” Some other dragon wailed.

“I can't do it!” Perfetti himself squeaked.

“Dragon seer, please check again, maybe someone else has been appointed by the Great Dreyfus” the King pleaded.

“Perfetti has been chosen, he will accomplish the mission. Sometimes brawn is not the only thing needed in life. Young Perfetti come with me” the seer ordered.

With his tail between his legs, Perfetti walked behind the seer. He bent his head to avoid looking at the other dragons who were bigger than he was. With one last look at his crying mother and worried looking father he stepped into the seer's cave.

The problem of the Dragon realm had begun when they were hit by an unknown plague that slowed down their work and threatened to wipe out their entire population. After all herbs and treatments had failed, the King Dragon had decided to risk his life and limbs to consult the seer of the Great Dreyfus. She visited the realm twice a season and was never to be sought by anyone at her cave.

But the situation had been dire and the dragons who were famous in other realms for their swift delivery of welded creations would rather not lag in production or appear weak before the other realms in their kingdom. Rumors had already started flying about, and the sick dragons seemed to be getting worse by the day.

Luckily for the King, the seer had been in a good mood when he'd arrived at the cave to seek her help, so together they had returned. She had proclaimed that the black curse had struck the realm. Something that last happened thousands of seasons before the current King was born.

With a name to the ailment, a cure had also been given. But on the condition that the Great Dreyfus would pick a dragon worthy to journey to the woods of mystical mushrooms, which had the power to heal the curse. And to the horror of the entire realm, Perfetti had been chosen.

It was not that Perfetti was not a good dragon. He could fly and breathe fire on rare occasions. The problem was that Perfetti was clumsy and lazy and disaster seemed to follow wherever he went, coupled with the fact that his parents had spoiled him silly the other dragons felt he wasn't of much use to anyone.

He also had a small stature and was easily scared of everything. Perfetti also rarely left the comfort of his parent's abode. What the others didn't know was that what he lacked in strength he made up for with wisdom. Now he had been selected, and he stood before the seer listening to her advice.

“Young dragon, I know you must be scared of the journey ahead but do not be. You have a good and kind heart and that is why you were chosen” the seer said.

“But what if I fail? They already think I'm useless” Perfetti replied panicking.

“You won't fail, just follow your heart. The great Dreyfus will be with you in spirit” The seer replied, lifting Perfetti’s face up, staring him in the eye.

After more encouraging, Perfetti lifted his wings and began his journey, the words of the seer resounding in his ears. The seer returned to inform the others to return to their homes and expect the cure in two days time.

The first day of his journey, Perfetti flew without stopping and arrived at his destination at midnight. The woods looked dark and scary but after a few growls and yelps of horror he found the entrance to the mystical mushroom woods. He approached cautiously as he saw a dragon appear at the entrance.

“Not a step closer” the voice growled in Perfetti’s head.

He gasped and realized he had to communicate with his mind and not his lips.

“I am Perfetti, a dragon from the realm of the great Dreyfus, sent by my seer to seek the mythical mushroom to cure my people of the black curse” he silently replied bowing.

The other dragon let out a hoarse laugh and breathed out a lot of fire, which made Perfetti run for his dear life.

“Why would they send someone like you? I see you and I know you. You're worthless, a lazy and unwanted dragon. What makes you think you're strong enough to get past me?” the dragon replied in Perfetti’s head even as he ran.

He stopped running after a few minutes and wrapped his wings around himself in fear. He knew he couldn't return without what he had come for so he decided to go back to plead with the scary guardian dragon.

No matter how hard Perfetti tried, the dragon refused to let him through. Instead, he kept on taunting him with cruel words and scaring him with every part of his large body. Perfetti ran away each time and cried tears of frustration when he realized he had spent half of the second day in the woods with nothing to show for it. He was hungry, tired, and scared.

Meanwhile, …
The King Dragon and the entire realm waited for Perfetti's return with bated breath.

“The second day is almost gone and yet no sign of the chosen one”.

“What do we do if he fails?”

The dragons whispered among themselves. His poor parents were almost going out of their minds with worry about their son, they hoped for his safe return as evening came and nightfall followed closely behind…

Back in the woods, Perfetti decided he'd had enough of the games and went back to the entrance. As usual, the guardian dragon mocked and scared him but this time instead of running Perfetti stood his ground.

“Enough!” he screamed in his mind, “I know I can't fight you. Call me whatever you like, but this journey is not about my strength or weaknesses”.

Perfetti paused and continued when he realized he had the attention of the guardian dragon.

“I am here to help save my people. This journey is for my people, the fate of the entire realm rests on this little weak shoulders and I won't leave until you grant my requests. Let me through, provide me with access to what I seek!”

Immediately the surrounding atmosphere changed, the entire woods lit up in colorful patterns and electricity cackled through his body. He smiled joyfully as the mushrooms appeared before him and his wings lit up with the colors of the woods.

“Your wisdom and bravery have earned you access. No one enters here through fighting. I'm glad you conquered your fears in time. Now take the mushroom and go save your people” the guardian warrior instructed and bowed.

Perfetti did as instructed and when he was done, the spirit of the great Dreyfus helped hasten his return. Just before midnight on the second day, there were shouts of surprise and awe. Perfetti flew across the sky with the new badge of colors on his body lighting up the realm, the mushrooms safely tucked in his wings.

The seer arrived shortly after and a potion was made to cure the sick dragons. Perfetti basked in the joy of being home again and finally being brave and gaining the respect of his people.


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