Perfection: A Serious Hype

in Freewriters2 years ago

It's always good as usual to have all at hand even when you that it's not perfect. There's something we finally have to realise about perfection, it's just a hype.
I'm not talking about any kind of hype because I only realise, you have no idea what I'm talking about and that's about to change.
I can actually feel you are already aroused to learn about the hype, alright let's proceed.

Just like you've always heard, it's nothing like anything you've ever seen or heard before which goes to show that our focus and dedication is always required at every point in time.
The wanting to get enough numbers to the occasion would mean that we have to get organised in a different kind of way that would be exceptional from what anyone has done before or what anyone has ever seen.

Clearly, it has to be perfect but you know perfection would mean doing the best always.
Doing the best always would need focus and dedication as I already stated.
When the best is done, it might not be perfect but the truth is that the best is not always good enough because as humans, we always want more, more of everything always.
So it can just be said that perfection is an hype, one that would leave one unsettled because when all is perfect, the desire for more continues.

Perfection is not just a hype, it's an illusion of something that is never ending.

All content is mine unless otherwise noted