Green Dragon's Tale - short story for children

in Freewriterslast year (edited)

Once upon a time there was a wizard who lived in a far away land with his invisible dragon. He had snatched a dragon egg from a nearby kingdom. The wizard had always dreamed of having a mighty invisible dragon that would give him more advantage over the other wizards.

Thus before the egg hatched, he had performed multiple spells, trying to turn a regular dragon into an invisible one. Just a few days before the dragon egg hatched, his spell was a success. The wizard was very pleased with his spell and enjoyed playing the parent role for his little invisible pet.

Image by Mustafa Alpaslan from Pixabay

As the years passed by and the dragon grew bigger and stronger, he started to question why he was not allowed to go outside the castle walls all by himself. He had traveled with his wizard to many places, but he never flew all on his own.

One evening when they were returning from their evening ride, the dragon asked the wizard about the humans and their villages. He was curious to know why the wizard called them dangerous little creatures. He could not understand how a small little human could harm a dragon. They had no wings and they barely reached his ankles. Plus, they were not able to see him, as he was invisible. Nothing of these made any sense to him.

The wizard did not answer any of his questions. He seemed to be disturbed by the dragon's sudden curiosity. The moment they landed in the castel's courtyard, he waved his wand and a thick iron chain magically appeared on the dragon's feet. Without uttering a sound or looking at the dragon, he climbed the stairs to his castle's main entrance.

The dragon was shocked to see that he had lost his freedom. He had never been chained before. He looked at the chain and sighted loudly. He wondered what happened to his master that determined him to act so mean. He imagined that the humans must have hurt him a long time ago, and that was why the wizard preferred staying away from them.

A whole week passed and no sight of the wizard. The dragon waited for him to show up and pet him as usual, but he never came. The poor beast spent the entire week feeling lonely, sad and disappointed.


Image by Parker_West from Pixabay

Few days later, he started to feel hungry. His stomach was rumbling and his whole body started to feel weak. He called his master, pleading for his meal but no one came.
The following day, he decided that he would no longer wait for his food and he would go get it by himself. Therefore he blasted the chain with all his might and freed himself. He knew that he could have done it earlier, but he did not wish to upset his matter even more.

Once he had freed himself, he spread his wings and soared up into the sky. He circled above the castle a few times, trying to get a glimpse of someone moving inside. To his surprise, he could not see anyone in his master's chamber, nor in his tower lab. It seemed that the wizard had simply disappeared without a trace.

Image by Pete Linforth from Pixabay

A stomach rumble reminded him that he had not eaten in the past two weeks. While he was heading towards the closest forest, he flew over a village. He gazed at the small houses and wondered if he should stop there to get some sheeps. Then he remembered the wizard`s strange reaction and decided to get his food in the forest.

Once he filled his tummy and got more energy, the dragon flew back to the castle. He was missing his wizard. He missed being home.

When he got there, the wizard was waiting for him in the courtyard. He was not happy that the dragon had ventured outside of the castle's walls. The dragon felt guilty for betraying the wizard`s trust. He landed gently next to him and placed his head down on the cold cobblestones, waiting to hear his master scoldings.

Image by Jim Cooper from Pixabay

The wizard gave the dragon a cold look and then reached for his wand. He made another spell that chained the dragon again, only that this time with a much bigger and thicker chain. Again, he left the dragon all alone in the courtyard.

The following day when he came down, the wizard told him abruptly: “The humans are awful creatures. I want you away from them. You shall never leave these walls again without my permission! Otherwise, I will turn you into a frog or a small bug!”

Couple of days later, they headed together to the next kingdom. In the village near by, the hunters were practicing their archery skills. While the dragon was flying high up in the clouds, he was hit by one of the arrows shot by the archers. The poisoned sharp arrow pierced his foot and made him loose his invisible shield. Luckily it was a cloudy day, and none of the archers saw them.

Image by Mystic Art Design from Pixabay

They had an emergency landing in the middle of a clearing in the forest. The wizard slid off the dragon’s back and had a look at the wound. As soon as he saw the arrow, he realized that its tipped had been tipped in poisonous venom and that he needed to make a magic brew for his dragon as an antidote. His dragon was bleeding and he had to move quick. He rushed into the forest to gather some ingredients for the magic brew.

As soon as the wizard was out of the dragon’s sight, he felt a strange new smell. A few seconds later, he saw a small little creature standing in front of him in awe. It was a little human who was stunned to have stumbled upon such a majestic animal. He had never seen a dragon before.

The little boy stood still, waiting for a reaction from the dragon, not knowing if he was in danger or not. He did not know what to do: run as fast as he could or gaze more at the powerful dragon.

Photo by Anna Gru on Unsplash

The dragon himself took a good look at the little human, and quickly realized he was no threat to him. He could have had him turned into ash within a second, but he decided to give him a chance. Thus he did not move nor say anything to the child.

Seeing that the dragon seemed friendly, the brave little boy got closer to the wounded animal. While he was walking around the dragon trying to see more of its intriguing body, he accidentally stepped into a puddle. He tried to lift up his foot but it was a bit sticky. The blueish paddle was actually made of dragon’s blood. Its blue blood was getting thickened as it was drying.

“Ewww!” said the boy. “What is this gooey thing?” He continued. The dragon turned his head and sighed. “Is this your snot?” “Did I just step in a puddle of dragon snots? Grosse! It better be snots and not vomit! That’s disgusting”, added the boy.

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The dragon snorted loudly. Just then, the boy noted that there were other blueish puddles right next to the dragon’s right foot. He had a quick look at the dragon and saw the bleeding wound.

“Oh! You’re hurt! Poor you!” said the boy. He touched the dragon’s skin hoping that his gesture would bring some comfort to the suffering animal.
A second later, a big smile brightened his face. “I can help!” he shouted out loud and rapidly stretched his arm to reach one of his pockets.

The dragon watched him anxiously searching through all his pockets, one after the other, until he finally took out a small white box. The boy opened it meticulously and showed it to the curious dragon. While holding the medicine in his left hand, he pointed at the dragon and asked:

“ "Can I touch you?" Seeing no reaction from the dragon, he went on: "My dad is a doctor. He gave me this medical kit to use for my wounds cause I always get my knees hurt or bleed. The white powder is meant to clean the wound. The band aid is supposed to prevent the germs from getting inside of your body and making you more sick.It’s a bit small for your foot, but I can put two or three. Or maybe all of them!”


Photo by Al Soot on Unsplash

The boy continued: “If you allow me put this medicine on your wound, you will feel better, trust me!” Then he looked at the dragon for his approval. Due to the poison, the dragon was in so much pain that he could not talk. All he was able to do was to close his eyes and nod his head as a yes.

Since he was no longer invisible, he did not have many options. The wizard was away and he was all alone. A mighty dragon that had lost his ability to become invisible and his wings. The pain was preventing him from flying, thus he was stuck.

The boy whispered to the dragon in the sweetest way possible: “Don’t be afraid! It will sting a bit, but you will be okay. I am here with you!” and he scattered the white medicine on the bleeding wound.

Within a couple of minutes, the bleeding stopped and the dragon started to feel better. He was grateful to the little human for his unexpected kindness. He would have never thought that such a little creature would play a vital role in his life. He felt he was forever in his debt. He spread his wings and allowed his new friend to climb on his back.


Image by Artie_Navarre from Pixabay

The boy climbed all the way up to his back , holding on the dragon's spikes. He looked at the horizon and said: “I can see my village there in the distance! The valley looks so beautiful from up here!”
“Does everything look wonderful when you look from above? How many cities and lands have you seen, dragon? It must be so nice to be able to fly and travel through air. I wish I was born with wings so that I can fly just like you”, confessed the boy.

The dragon was moved by the boy’s kindness and he offered to give him a ride on his back. He asked the boy to hold on tight with both hands on to his spikes. He flapped his wings and soared into the sky.

They flew over the valley where the humans had built their village, continued over fields of lavender and went all the way to the white snowy mountains that were seen far in the distance.
As it was getting darker, they returned to the forest and they said goodbye to each other.
Image by momo_sc from Pixabay

The dragon learnt that humans were not as dangerous as his wizard had mentioned to him. The boy discovered that dragons were real and they were friendly, not monsters. Both of them understood that they had been lied to by their loved ones. Deep into their hearts they knew that both of their worlds can live in peace.

The wizard returned to the dragon soon after the boy had left. He had brought with him the plant he had been looking for and he was ready to prepare the potion to fix the dragon’s foot. To his surprise, the dragon’s injury was looking much better than before. He turned towards the dragon with a puzzled face, waiting to be told what had happened in his absence.

The dragon told him about the boy and the wizard urged to return to his castle as soon as he heard the story. He did not wish to have humans closer to his dragon. He was scared that he would lose his immortality. He had dealt with humans before and he had learned about their ways.

Image by Wolfgang Eckert from Pixabay

Once they arrived at the castle, he casted a spell that chained the dragon to one of the walls in the inner yard. He had never done that before. The dragon was surprised to see himself in chains. He did not understand what he had done wrong to deserve such a thing. It was not his fault that the boy stumbled upon him in the forest.

Why was his master so upset that he was in contact with the humans? The little boy was not a villain! He did not try to hurt him. He had actually helped him. What was going on between the humans and the wizard?


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Lavi Picu is an interdisciplinary artist, currently residing in Montreal, Canada. She is an emerging visual artist who uses painting and poetry as alternative forms of self expression as well as pain management therapy for Lyme disease. She is also the author of four soulful collections of poetry.

@2022 Lavi Picu aka Lyme Poet. All rights reserved.


You are certainly a talented writer. Keep up the great work! 😊

Any plans to publish this story (other than on Hive)?

Thank you so much for your feedback! I should be looking for a publisher in here! I always tell myself that one day I will be getting out a collection of all my stories for children.

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Poor ole dragon. I am looking forward to the next part!

Same here - I hope we get a sequel!
This dragon needs to be free, and the wizard needs to get over it, whatever or whoever it was that made him never again trust a human.

Or the dragon could simply eat the wizard and get a hankering for human flesh! Om nom nom.

(heh - sorry; I can get dark in my brainstorming)