Negative thoughts helps nobody

in Freewriters3 years ago

As humans , it is perfectly normal for us to have various thoughts which could be positive or negative , the thoughts could from events , experiences in our daily lives.

The kind of thoughts we have are often determined by many factors which includes what is happening around us , what we see on various media platforms , what we read , what we listen to , our environment , the people that live around us , what we feed into our mind etc..

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Our thoughts in life affects the kind of decisions we make , our thoughts could lead to bad decisions and it could also lead to great decisions , it depends on the kind of thoughts we have..

We need to always avoid negative thoughts as much as possible , the negative thoughts will make us to take decisions which might be totally wrong or inconsistent...

That is why we need to avoid negative people around us because they might have influence on us and make us to start having same thoughts as them.

We should also be careful of what we fill our minds with , we should focus on reading books that preaches positivity , we should avoid feeding our mind with negative reports on media , we should ensure that we roll with individuals who are positive minded and we should cut off negative people around us.

We should ensure that we do not engage in acitivities which could make us to have low self esteem or makes us to feel we are not good enough , low self esteem is one of the major factors that causes negative thoughts amongst so many people so to be able to fight negative thoughts , we need to boost our self esteem and self confidence.

The bottomline is that , what you feed your mind with is the major factor that determines the kind of thoughts you will have , so you need to start feeding your mind with positive things and not negative things...