in Freewriters2 years ago



Levantó la roca disimulando un dolor en sus piernas. Para cuando el guardián del templo se había dado la vuelta, se la arrojó con todas sus fuerzas. Se imaginaba corriendo a toda prisa siendo perseguido por aquel hombre áspero y tosco, pero sus deseos de aventura se tornaron en miedo y sorpresa cuando le vio caer de bruces sobre la arena, con la roca atascada en la frente y los ojos en blanco, jamás pensó que aquella piedra tan pequeña tendría un efecto letal al golpear la humanidad de aquel hombre de tan grande contextura, menos lanzada por él, que era enjuto y enclenque. Mientras emprendía la rauda huida vino a su mente un cuento que había oído sobre una pelea entre un tal rey David que había derrotado a un tipo gigante y malo con ayuda de Dios y aunque salvando las distancias, no tenía la menor duda que lo que acababa de hacer guardaba su similitud con la hazaña del valiente rey David de aquella historia, que le conto un amigo religioso.

Corría frenéticamente no se atrevía a mirar atrás por temor a descubrir, que ya se habían fugado e iniciado su persecución, quería alimentar su esperanza que cuando se dieran cuenta ya había tomado suficiente ventaja como para desalentar a sus captores. Pero no sabía cuan equivocado estaba, ya en el templo habían descubierto el cuerpo del guardia y activados las hordas para capturarlo, su única oportunidad era alcanzar la zona de resguardo y esperar a ser rescatado por alguno de sus compañeros. Cada segundo que corría lo acercaba a su anhelada meta, ya divisaba los postes metálicos del perímetro cual gigantes que abrían sus brazos para darle la bienvenida a su libertad, cuando sintió los zumbidos característicos de los deslizadores anti gravitacionales en los que se desplazaban sus perseguidores, hizo su máximo esfuerzo para apurar su zancada, acelerar su carrera a la libertad cuando sintió un dolor lacerante en su pierna derecha, trastabillo casi a punto de caer, pero retomo su carrera, su deseo de libertad y de vivir le dieron un poco más de energía para continuar su marcha.

A solo metros de la línea que marca el inicio de la zona de resguardo, se interpuso ante él un guardián que lo apuntaba con un arma adosada a su brazo, se detuvo y lo miró fijamente, ya otros dos estaban a su espaldas sabía que estaba irremediablemente perdido, que su osadía sólo podía pagarla con su vida, levanto la vista hacia el cielo como esperando un milagro alguna señal, cuando sintió aquella pesada mano en su hombro que lo presionaba y lo estremecía con tal fuerza presagiando el castigo que lo esperaba ante de ser ejecutado.


Cerro los ojos con tal fuerza que se reflejaba en su cara una extraña mueca, mientras quien lo había tomado por el hombro lo agitaba con más fuerza, al fin rendido y resignado a su destino volteo y abrió los ojos y allí estaban su padre y su hermano tratando de despertarlo y hablando entre ambos:

  • Eso le pasa por jugar tanto video juego, ver películas de ciencia ficción, de terror y escuchar reggaetón - le decía mi padre a mi hermano mayor- como no va tener pesadillas, si lo que hace es envenenarse la mente.

Yo los miraba empapado en sudor y feliz por haberme salvado de una terrible muerte onírica.



He picked up the rock while concealing a pain in his legs. By the time the temple guardian had turned around, he threw it at him with all his might. He imagined himself running at full speed being chased by that rough and uncouth man, but his desire for adventure turned to fear and surprise when he saw him fall face first on the sand, with the rock stuck in his forehead and his eyes rolled back in his head, he never thought that such a small stone would have a lethal effect when it hit the humanity of that man of such a large build, let alone thrown by him, who was wiry and puny. While he was making his swift escape, a story he had heard about a fight between a certain King David who had defeated a giant and bad guy with the help of God came to his mind, and although saving the distances, he had no doubt that what he had just done was similar to the feat of the brave King David in that story, told to him by a religious friend.

He ran frantically, not daring to look back for fear of discovering that they had already escaped and begun their pursuit, he wanted to nourish his hope that when they realized he had already taken enough advantage to discourage his captors. But he did not know how wrong he was, already in the temple they had discovered the body of the guard and activated the hordes to capture him, his only chance was to reach the shelter zone and wait to be rescued by one of his companions. Every second he ran brought him closer to his longed goal, he could already see the metallic posts of the perimeter like giants opening their arms to welcome him to his freedom, when he felt the characteristic buzzing of the anti-gravitational sliders in which his pursuers were moving, he made his maximum effort to speed up his stride, to accelerate his race to freedom, when he felt a stabbing pain in his right leg, he stumbled almost on the verge of falling, but he resumed his race, his desire for freedom and to live gave him a little more energy to continue his march.

Only meters away from the line that marks the beginning of the guarded area, a guardian stood in front of him pointing a gun attached to his arm, he stopped and stared at him, two others were already behind him, he knew that he was hopelessly lost, He looked up to the sky as if waiting for a miracle or a sign, when he felt that heavy hand on his shoulder pressing him and shaking him with such force foreshadowing the punishment that awaited him before being executed.

He closed his eyes with such force that was reflected in his face a strange grimace, while who had taken him by the shoulder shook him with more force, finally surrendered and resigned to his fate he turned and opened his eyes and there were his father and brother trying to wake him up and talking to each other:

  • That's what he gets from playing so many video games, watching science fiction and horror movies and listening to reggaeton, my father said to my older brother, how can he not have nightmares, if what he does is to poison his mind.

I looked at them drenched in sweat and happy to have been saved from a terrible dream death.


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Buena narrativa, con una descripción bien ejecutadas del entorno y los personajes que se desenvuelven en tu escrito. Es un texto emocionante como bastante acción para la mente.

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