The four virtues of Stoicism

in Freewriters8 months ago



Stoicism, as a philosophical current, focuses on the cultivation of virtue and living in accordance with the rational nature of the human being.

According to the Stoics, there are four fundamental virtues that must be cultivated in order to live a full life in harmony with the universe.

The first virtue is wisdom, or "sophia" in Greek. Wisdom involves the development of reason and knowledge, as well as the discernment to make wise decisions. Stoics believe in the importance of living by reason and seeking self-knowledge to better understand the world and our role in it.

The second virtue is justice, or "dikaiosyne" in Greek. Justice is about acting justly and fairly, treating others with respect and consideration. The Stoics emphasise the importance of living in harmony with others and treating all human beings as equals, recognising their inherent dignity and worth.

The third virtue is temperance, or "sophrosyne" in Greek. Temperance involves self-control and moderation in desires and emotions. Stoics believe in the importance of not being carried away by unbridled passions and in seeking balance in all areas of life. It is about finding serenity and inner calm, even in the midst of difficulties.

The fourth and final virtue is courage, or "andreia" in Greek. Courage involves facing challenges and difficulties with courage and determination. The Stoics believe in the importance of facing adversity with fortitude and perseverance, recognising that suffering is an inevitable part of life, but that we can choose how we respond to it.

These four virtues, wisdom, justice, temperance and courage, are considered fundamental on the path to moral excellence and self-fulfilment according to Stoicism. By cultivating these virtues, Stoics believe that we can find inner serenity and live in accordance with the rational nature of being human.


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