Picture Prompt Challenge | A Picture is Worth than a Thousand Words

in Freewriters9 months ago

Hello Fellow writers!!
Today I am participating in a contest by @freewritehouse in a #Freewriters Community. This challenge is all about a picture what what you see, and what you feel, write a story or poem about a picture using the #pic1000 tag for the entry in the contest and then leave the post link under the comment section of the Challenge Post
Now, here is my input for the contest:

photo taken by @wakeupkitty host of this contest on behalf of @freewritehouse.

Describe what you see

I see a sink faucet and pipes with WD 40 spray that protects the stainless steel from corrosion. I see many parts that seem to be installed in a bathroom.

Describe What You Feel

I feel a person is busy repairing in his bathroom as is seems to be Sunday, if the person is doing work by its own hand and he just bought this parts and prepared them for the installation.

Write a Story or Poem on the picture:

Story: A Miser Owner

Once there was a house owner who is a miser and want to repair his bathroom so he bring a seasonal plumber who got a job repairing the bathroom he suggest the owner of the house change the sink faucet the owner agree and buy a new sink faucet but the plumber was inexperience to change the sink faucet he broke the pipe of sink faucet when the owner is not present at the moment when he sees the situation is out of his hand he ran out quickly and leave the town. the house owner tastes his miser and learns his lesson from the incident that never misers on the house repair.

Hopefully, You enjoy the challenge make sure you participate in the contest and share your valuable feedback in the comments section below.

Freewrite image sources


Leaving town just because of an accident? Experiences can only be gathered by watching and doing the job.
It's a good idea for the house owner to stay at home if he lets strangers in his house do a certain job. Always watch the man at work if you want to learn something.

Thank you for joining #pic1000.
Greetings @wakeupkitty

Leaving town is not a good idea but taking charge of a work where you're not an expert is also a bad idea(the term seasonal pulumber) a lesson for the owner to hire a professional.
Thanks for your feedback.
Keep writing Keep Inspiring.

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