The hidden facts about Left-handed people

in Freewriters3 years ago


I was just thinking of a topic and I finally came up with one, and some may find it controversial, there are lot of interesting and scientific facts about people using left hand, I am not in anyway trying to justify anybody here, I have had the opportunity to work with some left handed people in the past and they are amazing, some started using the hand since there childhood, this explains to you that practice make perfect, things become easier the more you do it regularly, some religious believe, believes it to be a bad habit that should be corrected immediately before a child grows, that using a left hand to eat, drink, is prohibited, but writing with the left hand is a gift.

Do you know that there was a findings which discovered that on the QWERTY keyboard there are 1447 English words typed solely with the left hand, and imagine that only 187 are typed with the right hand, that is amazing fact and only the smart ones can notice this.

They make good baseball players, tennis players, swimmers, boxers and fencers in researches made almost 40% of the top tennis players are lefties.

As there are interesting facts about the left handed people there are also some bad side, according to psychology Left-handed people tend to have more emotional and behavioral problems than right-handed people.

If you have any contribution about the topic to complete it with your own opinion, you are welcome to comment below.

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lefties make good husbands, mine is one.

Happy hearing that, thanks for the contribution.

You are welcome

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