Let's talk about dreams. | Lockdown blog day #12.

in Freewriters3 years ago


There is different type of people someone sees dreams at night, someone, don't see anything or think like that because someone remembers something from a dream but some don't remember anything.

I believe there are so many people who get in a situation like you sleep and see so nice and beautiful dream. It's can be anything no matter how impossible that can be. You can fly and see all around you from a bird's eye view, you win in the lottery an unimaginable amount of money, or you are the first ho colonize a new planet in all universe. It's your imagination your dream and your world but then the alarms clock rings and you wake up.

This was the best part of your dream but no matter how hard you try you can't go back to sleep or if you manage to sleep again your beautiful dream was simply gone.

But after that maybe you are one of the lucky people who remember that dream or at least some fragments from that dream. It's also happening with me I see many dreams at night and the best part starts in the mornings (I think why that) and then that happens alarm clock rings and all I remember from that dream is some fragments before I get up. After I get up and do my daily morning routine my beautiful memory fragments about my dream were fully gone. So I have searched on the internet for different information about dreams and how I can better remember my dreams for a longer time. Maybe someone thinks why I need to remember that dreams? Then I need to ask you why not? Maybe some of those dreams will be a new interesting story ho I can share with others despite how crazy it is.

So if there is a way how to remember your dreams?

If we speak in simple words not exactly there is no ultimate tutorial to remember our dreams. We are different each from other and this is an individual thing we need to find a way what better forks for us to better remember dreams. But also all not so bad as seem I can tell you some tips ho maybe can help you and what I am tried.

  1. Think about every day.
  2. Make a dream journal.
  3. Good sleep.

I think these are the best tips I can give you so now let me explain better.

1. Think about every day.

When you get up try to recall your dream every day if you do that only couple of times it's will be taught time to remember.

2. Make a dream journal.

You have a lot of jobs you can't remember and think about anything. Make a dream journal. It's also one of the best tips I use every day. You get up and write down what you remember it also helps think more about your dream later in the day if you have some notes about the dream. Also when you get up try to keep your eyes closed for a small moment it's can help to remember dream details more vividly.

3. Good sleep.

And ho don't know this good sleep is key to success in everything also for your dreams. Dreaming occurs when you are in a deep sleep so you need to think about comfort, room temperature, not too much noise, and other things.

So, in the end, you need to make sure you have good sleep because is key for remembering dreams and as soon as you get up write down as much you can remember.

So for today, that's all and happy dreaming.

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Pictures source: pexels.com


Nowadays I either do not dream, or simply I do not remember them. The last time I remembered a dream was months ago. If I remember correctly, then in my last dream a zombie or zombies attacked me. I remember being in a building, moving between rooms, and fighting a zombie. I tried to hold it back with the doors of the room. I pushed the doors against it. I ran from at least one room to another. There were other people around me in the building. There were also a child, either a boy or a girl. One of his/her parents was with him/her. Either his/her mother or his/her father. I do not remember this. The dream ended with the zombie biting me. Either my hand or my arm. I do not remember this.

Thanks for sharing your dream but I would rather call it a nightmare than a dream. But what you can expect nowadays, all this stress, lockdowns, restrictions, and all other things what's going on in the world. It's not helping anyone, not your health, mental health, good sleep, and of course, it also affects dreams.

Yay! 🤗
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il faut être toujours heureux et ambitieux et contacter les gens qui pensent positivement qui sont heureux, joyeux et positive comme toi pour vous fournir de l'énergie et de la force. en effet, lorsqu'on est heureux nos cent milliard de neurones font des nouvelles ramifications pour multiplier leurs liaisons ce qui fortifie les synapses: lieux de traitement et de mémorisation. alors lorsqu'on dort, on dort profondément(sommet profonde), on fait des beaux rêves dont on se rappelle bien grâce à notre mémoire bien élaborée . on peut donc réaliser nos rêves de sommeil et celles de l'éveil grâce à notre ambition qui nous fait vivre toujours heureux et sains.

la neuro science indique que le climat enthousiasmant , heureux et plaisant favorise la plasticité cérébrale c'est à dire la ramification des neurones permettant la multiplication des liaisons et la création et la fortification des nouveaux synapses . Ce qui nous rend plus fort, persévérant, ambitieux, coopérant et surtout plus intelligent pour rêver et se rappeler