5 minute free write - prompt: bar stool

in Freewriters4 years ago

A small pile of shredded tissue lay next to my condensation-covered beer mug, having fallen unnoticed as I absentmindedly shredded bar napkin after bar napkin. Sitting there perched on my bar stool, staring at the television screen mounted behind the bar, filled with dread. “How could he fumble?!?”, I thought to myself over and over, “All he had to do was kneel down and the game was over!” The final seconds ticked away as I stared at the scream helplessly, praying for a miracle. The clock hit double zero and the game was over. I dropped what was left of the desiccated napkin, downed the rest of my pint with one mighty gulp, and stumbled towards the exit to face the reckoning I knew awaited.


Wow! You certainly do a lot with a few words. Set the scene, built the tension, and suggest a narrative. Great.

Thanks, these 5 minute contests are liberating because you don't have to know where you are going with it!

I've seen that same scene played out in real life. You just wish you could reach into the television and change what can't be changed.