in Freewriters4 months ago

Hello beautiful people. The first thing to note is that there are people who are poor by birth and by circumstances. Sometimes it's just by their actions and some it's by their understanding of the world. What happens is, the poor will never cease.

There is a pressing need to understand that there is nothing worth doing even more than actually helping victims of circumstances who have had a time of their life because they are stressed.

At some point in life, it is your duty to note when you cross paths with anyone who is poor and those who do not have access to the fine things of life and lend them a helping hand because not only is it your job, it is also something important that you should do.

Regardless of the nasty attitude of some poor people who actually think that you are supposed to help them or do things for them out of an entitlement mentality, you have to lend them a helping hand.


Perhaps, you have something in you that others don't have and that's why you have been placed in that position in life, if you see yourself helping someone, then do it with all your might.

Your generosity to those in the position of poverty will not go unrewarded, there is so much in store for you for giving to them, for taking good care of them, for showing them that there is someone that thinks of them and that wants to help me out of their situation.

Instead of handing out food and clothes and meager things alone which is appreciated, going the extra mile to help them step away from poverty is even much more important. Talk to them, ask what they know and what they can learn or what they can do, then you know how to empower them after their hunger is satiated.

Your own rewards will be much, you will be elevated, you will be healed, your needs will be supplied and you will be granted accelerated blessings. Not to mention answers to prayers, long life and you will also be preserving a posterity.

It is time to unlock the hidden blessings of being good to the poor by making the difficulties of other people your priority and gong the extra mile to solve the problems as well as giving them the best life possible.

Let your kindness be felt and let it go far and wide.



Showing kindness and helping the poor is a great achievement.

Thats right ✅️ 💯