in Freewriters4 months ago

Hello beautiful people. Let's paint a scenario.

When you listen to the stereo in a car and when you don't get the right information or music that you want on a particular frequency, you turn the dial and switch the station.

There is a way you will change the station, if someone is beside you, they will wonder if you have an issue with the particular station. That is the same energy you need to have towards anything that affects your mind, such should be your aversion to anything that influences your mindset.

Your life and mine is a compendium of many radio stations offering diverse programs, when you do not like the program it is offering, you have the power to switch between stations or just switch it off completely and find something worthwhile for your mind, should and body.


Do not agree to appear like you are helplessly at the mercy of circumstances or people, because you are not, you can take a different stance and be proud of what the outcome is at the end.

You can choose to avoid the negativity that comes from other people and the world around you by always taking control of the situation and stopping them before they even start. It is taking charge like that that ensures your happiness and fulfilment in life, it is the key ingredient in using your minds switch.

Let's talk about the switch a little bit more.

Most times it is the words and actions of people that are close to us are the first things to penetrate our minds and this is key because those thing can then influence us, they can make us do things we never though we would do, we make mistakes and dwell on it and before long, we down in a spiral of negativity.

I am sure that's not what anyone wants. What we want is to make impact and the only way to make such impact is to learn to use the switches in our minds, turn off what people say that is not for us, and then turn on what we need for our lives.

You must learn the skills of affirmatively canceling out anything that will not benefit you, anything that will tamper with the peace of mind you have. When you do that, you will realize how clean your mind will be and there will be inner peace.

Your mind is so powerful. Learn to use it.



You're definitely right. People should learn how to say no to certain things and they should learn to leave the table when it is no longer serving them. We should not let ourselves be inferior to things that don't benefit us because in the end we are the ones who is gonna suffer from our actions. And btw, thanks for the information @oredebby 🥰

I appreciated that you read through and you learnt from it. Thanks for coming around. Gracias.