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RE: Loose lips sink ships.

in Freewriterslast year

Oh that is very bleak. Very. I wonder how often this happens in a school. I know when I was a teacher I was sometimes very concerned.

I like the "bells knelled classes to a close." That's some freewrite magic there.


I was taken aside in junior school by a teacher who was always kind to me but of course, I didn't tell.
Thanks for the support. It is always appreciated.

I'm so happy you are back! I love your stories.

hey did I ask you if you would like 2 more hsbi for participating in my wewrite? would you? I could also give 1 hive if you prefer.

You're very kind but I wasn't expecting a reward. Besides, my little story earned me quite a bundle and I wouldn't have written it only for you so I think my compensation has been quite sufficient. But again, thank you.