in Freewriters11 months ago

Photo taken by @wakeupkitty


In a small town called Crestview, there lived a man named John. He had once been prosperous, but a series of misfortunes had left him completely broke. John struggled to make ends meet and felt lost in a sea of hopelessness.

One sunny day, as he wandered through the streets, John noticed an elderly woman struggling to carry her groceries. Without a second thought, he rushed to her aid. With a warm smile, he helped her carry the heavy bags all the way to her doorstep. The woman, named Mrs. Thompson, thanked him graciously and insisted he come inside for a cup of tea.

Over tea, John learned that Mrs. Thompson had recently lost her husband and was feeling incredibly lonely. She spoke about her love for gardening and how she missed tending to her beautiful flowers. John listened attentively, sympathizing with her pain and longing for something meaningful himself.


Inspired by Mrs. Thompson's love for gardening, John proposed an idea. He offered to help her revive her garden, assuring her that he had a green thumb and would be more than happy to bring life back to her yard. Mrs. Thompson, moved by his kindness, accepted his offer without hesitation.

Over the next few weeks, John worked tirelessly to transform Mrs. Thompson's garden. He dug, planted, and nurtured the plants, pouring his heart and soul into the project. The once-dull yard blossomed into a vibrant garden, filled with colorful flowers and lush greenery.

Mrs. Thompson was overjoyed when she saw the incredible transformation. Her eyes welled up with tears of gratitude as she hugged John tightly, feeling a sense of renewed hope and companionship. She insisted on repaying him for his hard work, but John kindly declined, explaining that helping her had brought him more joy than any amount of money could.


Little did John know that his act of kindness would soon bear unexpected fruit. A few weeks later, he received a call from a distant relative, informing him that an inheritance had been left to him by a long-lost uncle. John was astounded, unable to comprehend the sudden change of fortune that had come his way.

With his newfound wealth, John decided to fulfill a long-held dream. He purchased a piece of land in the town and set about building a beautiful house. Alongside the house, he created a small but exquisite garden, similar to the one he had helped restore for Mrs. Thompson.

Word of John's generosity and his remarkable transformation spread throughout the town. People marveled at the stunning house and garden that stood as a testament to the power of kindness. Many sought him out for advice, hoping to be inspired by his journey.


As time went on, John's life flourished. He became known as the man who turned his fortunes around by helping others. He continued to lend a helping hand wherever he could, knowing that even the smallest act of kindness could make a significant difference in someone's life.

And so, in the little town, John's beautiful house with its enchanting garden became a symbol of hope, reminding everyone that in the midst of life's challenges, there was always room for kindness and the possibility of a brighter tomorrow.



John could have been a garden architect.

Thank you for your entry.

You're welcome, John certainly has the potential to become a garden architect.

Ohhhh, how great it is to know that John did flourish just from a little deed of kindness. Mrs Thompson's garden was well cared for no wonder it blossomed.... lessons for us all, we should endeavor to take care of other people's properties wholeheartedly

Yeah,truly it pays to be kind to everyone around you and thanks for dropping by