Father - My Patriot | Part 3 || Maynia -- Day Sixteen! Prompt: draconian

in Freewriters4 years ago

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You can read the previous part here

Part 1
Part 2

Prompt: draconian

"Will you be coming today for the match"? Vicky asked curiously before getting on to the school bus. Walking towards Father's scooter I guaranteed him to be there on time and we headed home.

"So, did you see your brother?" Father asked.
"No' took a pause "went home maybe after all he owns a Harley". I replied.

"Are you jealous of his bike (cycle)?
I kept quiet as I don't want to discuss it again, the last time I did, my words went in vain despite so much of pleading.

"Are you listening?"

"Yes, father"

"Don't be angry son you too had a pretty cute little bike which is beyond compare. Grow a bit and I will be buying you a bike like him."

We stopped at an ice cream stall and having one each we reached home while my brother's bike was parked before the main gate. Father was right, I am jealous of his bike. Who wouldn't? His cost 15 while mine was 3k, such a huge injustice.

"Finish it quick and take some rest, no play today", mom ordering pouring milk into the glass. I didn't like mom complaining all the time and order to do things which I hated most, sleep after day time lunch, to finish the glass of milk, to work in the kitchen with her. The list is very long.

"Let him go" Father said from behind watching the news on television.

"Play is also as important as school Anjali", he added.

"What that will do? Will it help him to be Sachin Tendulkar or Laiyon-el Messi?" She questions sarcastically.

"It's Lionel mom".

Father smiles and nodded looking at mom.

We reached the gigantic park field for our football match against the nearby neighbours to the next block somewhat two km from ours. It is 4 pm now the park will be full within the next hour and old people, children with parents all will be here.

"Come on let's toss it," Riku said, who was our captain.

They tossed the coin in the air and Riku shouts a head. The coin flipped up, then down and we were relieved a bit when it came to rest as it was head this time. We had lost many tosses in the past, compared to matches, Riku thinks there is someone in our team who is an unlucky charm and is very sure of suspending him from further sports activities if he catches him.

We chose the top side of the park to the west where the sun was setting and they to the east. Abhi from our side and Gautam from theirs stepped up as they were the match referee, for the sixty minutes match excluding the halftimes.

"We cannot afford to lose with these guys, do you understand?" Instructing us Riku mentioned.

"280 Rupees guys, Come on!" He added.

Well, his speech was a real booster to us and was really good at it. We decided, whatever happens, we will take back our 140 rs which we collected along with theirs.

The seven-player match started and our forwards almost went in for a goal. Vicky was the best player in our team as his father had him into the Football youth academic training team with huge expectations. I was playing the back and Joy who was our goalkeeper shouted me to clear the ball.

"That's not offside!" Riku furiously, "The ref was not in his position" he added. We were almost into a fight with the opposition where the referee had to show a red to Riku. Honestly, If I think he went too far and he shouldn't have pushed the opposition player. He is strongest among us, but that doesn't mean he shows in a football match too.

The referee blew the last whistle and the match ended goallessly.

"That referee was very harsh with his draconian rules," Vicky said.

"You saw how many times I tried to cover you guys up but they had bought someone who really thinks he was referring a UEFA final match". Abhi replied.

"Leave it we will avenge them the next time," Riku said still being furious.

It was 5.20 pm and the park was getting filled with people doing their daily activities. We collected our soccer materials and came outside of the park, where small vendors stood with their stalls.

"Hey, let's have ice cream!" Abhi said.

"Why not! Riku,come on I will buy you one today" Joy placing his arm around his shoulder.

Riku smilingly, "Yes, yes, sure".

(To be continued..)

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Words count: 757 words
I happy to participate in Maynia, and I think I am too late to win it but I want to complete my story within this month, let's see how far can I go. Also, I am not a native English speaker, so please forgive me if you find some grammatical mistakes :).
Maynia Day Sixteen link can be found here

I am razeiv,
Short stories writer, an art lover
from NorthEast, India.

created by @derangedvisions


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