Do you maintain a permanent physical-mental exhaustion?

in Freewriters2 years ago (edited)



Greetings again my dear friends of this prestigious platform, our historical transit through certain spaces-times of this very complex universe has led us to accumulate a constant experience in all senses, and even more, by the valuable characteristic of possessing capacity of rationing and situational behavior, an aspect that has placed us at the forefront over other living species of this universe.

Nowadays we are witnesses of the vertiginous development of innumerable activities that have modernized humanity in these last decades, this leads us to say that we have evolved, but, we can say the same about our brain? In particular I think so, since the constant demands lead us to adapt our mind in such a way that allows us to face in the best way the modern world of nowadays.



Now, if we go into any period of our history, I am sure we would find that at some stage of our existence as humanity, people have felt exhausted or tired, therefore, we can say that physical and mental fatigue is undoubtedly part of our human condition, since it represents the waste of energy applied in any of our activities, where, logically, we require our thoughts and thoughts to be used in our daily lives.

Lo anteriormente expresado nos lleva a decir que históricamente lo que puede cambiar en relación a nuestro cansancio son las causas que la generan, y por supuesto, poseen sus efectos que en muchos casos podemos observar a simple vista o de igual forma las personas a nuestro alrededor también pueden ver esto mismo en nosotros, por lo tanto, podemos preguntarnos lo siguiente. ¿El cansancio mental nos puede llevar a expresar un agotamiento físico?



Our remarkable and inevitable interest in the understanding that exists between our mind and body has led us to demonstrate how our thoughts, feelings or emotions have an intrinsic influence on our whole physical entity, i.e., we can express that according to our mind this is the way our body will be, and I think that each of us has experienced what we have expressed before.

In this way, my dear friends, it is difficult to find ourselves physically or mentally exhausted, since everything in our being is linked, and therefore, our tiredness will always be a mixture of both aspects mentioned above, the important thing is that we can identify how we can recharge our energies either by ourselves by self-investigating or with the help of a professional, because if something is very true is that it is not easy nowadays not to go through this situation of feeling tired or exhausted by the demands of the many complementary activities to our daily lives.

Until another opportunity my dear friends, it will always be of vital importance to keep us alert about our physical-mental tiredness in order not to move away from the people around us, and above all from the recreational activities with our family, since they are the people who appreciate us and whom we love.