How it hurts to have loved ones in our hearts but not to be able to embrace them again / Personal reflection

in Freewriters3 years ago (edited)



Greetings my dear readers, I hope you are well and in the company of your loved ones, as human beings we know that at a certain moment of our existence we have to leave physically, however, no one prepares for this, on the contrary, usually we do not even think about those moments, which undoubtedly cause us much pain and leave us a huge void in our hearts.

One of the aspects that most invades us when we lose a loved one are their memories and they continually go to our hearts, everything stays there because even though we want to embrace them again is no longer possible, no doubt they are very difficult moments and it takes time to recover and return to normal so to speak, first we find it hard to believe it, which is called denial after the loss of a loved one.



Another aspect that can invade us is the confusion that can lead us to anger or rage and in many occasions we can fall into depression, that is why it is necessary that we can talk to people around us or write about our feelings of sadness, this in order to download our pain because sometimes we accumulate a lot of sentimental pressure that we need to open a release valve to balance that pressure.

Therefore, it is necessary that we can release our emotions and understand that with time everything becomes less painful and we are encouraged to do the things we do every day, no one is comforted by other people's experience, we have to live it to know how hard it feels and how difficult this situation is, but each of us at some point we have to go through it, it is really a hard lesson of life, but we have to do it for the other people we love.

We must always keep in mind that we must live life to the fullest and give all the love we feel for our loved ones because when they physically depart we can not do it, and it is impossible to turn back time, so let's not waste time and put into practice our most sincere love for our loved ones, this somehow reassure us a little more when we do not have their presence, that is, knowing that we did everything we could to help and love that loved one who had to leave our side.

Until another opportunity my dear friends, as human beings there are innumerable emotions that we have to live, and one of them is the loss of a loved one, since we will always carry them in our hearts even though it hurts us not to embrace them again and transmit them our most sincere love.

