Profound transformation of human knowledge, our best development variable

in Freewriters2 years ago (edited)



Greetings again to all the members of this prestigious platform, constantly the human being is a witness of his own evolution since through the years he has generated great transformations in his knowledge, and therefore, this has moved humanity to other levels or scales of development.

I constantly tell my students that we have achieved everything on their side thanks to our own effort and that in the last decades of our history a wonderful transformation of our human knowledge has been generated, and thus, of our rational thinking, maybe some people will find normal everything they use today, for example, their computer, cell phone, tablet, among many other technological applications.

It is always important to make a stop with any person and locate their role as protagonists of the future and thus of the constant transformation of human knowledge, and the same as we know necessarily we must update it to continue with the great progress that until this precise moment we have achieved.

In my opinion, this aspect has been the great triumph of mankind, for example, to educate our students there must necessarily be an endless number of documentations related to every contour of our development, therefore, the educational field is a link in the strong and vigorous chain of the vertiginous growth of our knowledge.

The cyclical behavior of the attainment of our knowledge has given us the enormous capacity for the renewal of our thinking, and thus, of our ingenuity and creativity, it is impressive how each of the fields related to our evolution radiates today its own light, and this light combined with the others of the rest of the other fields of knowledge have managed to illuminate so far the laborious path that we have carved until today.