ZapFicMonday: Prompt– "Rotten"

in Freewriters2 months ago



The stench of their rotting relationship seemed to dull his senses.

He tried to preserve it, but it's rotten to its core, and the alluring facade that it showed was just all made up.

It is not fake, and he's certain that it was her—only her.



Relationship that's not going well can work again, if the person's involves are ready to overlooked the past and embrace the future.

If they're willing to accept each other's flaws and move on, then why not?

Thanks, I admire your reply.

I think Relationship is the only rotten thing that can be fixed when the people involved can accept their fault and ready to forgive each other.

Exactly, if you know your love is greater than your hatred, then that rotting relationship still has its chance.