Beauty and Fear

in Freewriters27 days ago

Image Credit by @wakeupkitty

A small difference between fantasy and make-believe

As kids, the cartoons we see forms the scenes in our dreams

The scene captured brings nothing less than an animated concept

But looking further it speaks to a child's 'mares

Whether it's pleasant or dreadful is yet to be decided.

Describing a flying 🦄 unicorn will definitely feature a protruded horn

It's not a unicorn neither a flying 🐎 horse.

It's a new concept of animals extinct or yet to be discovered

Seasoned with beauty and animated imaginations.

I see nothing but beauty and fear all well captured in a single shot.


I see a flying creature similar to cartoons. Sometimes cartoon screenshots don't make sense until one watches the whole clip. I believe this is a design for a cartoon series.


My first thought was: Are these peacock feathers?

Nice thoughts. But you'll agree the creature ain't no peacock 😄.. thanks for your contribution 🤗🤗🤗

I agree it's no peacock. 🤣

😆😆I thought as much 👍👍👍

The beauty of the dragon transforms itself by shedding its skin and replacing it with the majestic colors of the rainbow all twisted into beautiful patterns and shapes. A lovely description of the dragon.

Thanks for sharing.

Thank you so much for the excellent contribution. This is eye-opening and so on point. Thanks again 🤗🤗🙂🌹🌹🌹

I believe we all see this as a dragon. A bit different from what the Chinese dragon looks like and it would surprise me if the dragon is one of the dinosaurs we all know about. She looks special with her magical colours or perhaps she's a chameleon?
Who knows she might show in a cartoon one day. To me, she looks better than a 'my little pony' or 'rainbow bear'.

Thank you for your entry.

😄😄I'm so glad your comment validates my suspicion of not been sure about what the picture depicts.. you mentioned quite a number of creatures.. I'm glad you agreed indirectly..😆😆 thank you so much for your contribution..🤗🤗🤗

Congratulations on a job well done! We are thrilled to see the outstanding results you've achieved. Your dedication and hard work have truly paid off, and it's inspiring to witness the impact you've made. Keep up the fantastic work, and know that your contributions are valued and appreciated.

Thank you so much for your kind words. I really appreciate this. 🙏🙂