Labios azules / Blue lips

in Freewriters2 years ago


Quise saber que se sentía
besar tus labios azules
y pensar que ya eras mía
entre pinos y abedules.

Pero me quedé tan frío
en esa noche que espanta
al saber que mi albedrío
se perdería con la manta
que nos cubrió aquella noche
en que el búho rie y canta.

Desde entonces amanezco
pensando solo en besarte.

Pero ahora bien que lo pienso
y no quisiera asustarte
solo existes en mi mente
para que pueda adorarte.
mujer de invierno y de viento
que de niño en mi consuelo
tan solo puede soñarte.

I wanted to know what it felt like
to kiss your blue lips
and to think that you were already mine
among pines and birches.

But I stayed so cold
on that night that scares
knowing that my free will
would get lost with the blanket
that covered us that night
in which the owl laughs and sings.

Since then I wake up
thinking only of kissing you.

But now that I think about it
and I don’t want to scare you,
you only exist in my mind
so that I can adore you.
winter and wind woman
that as a child in my consolation
I can only dream of you.

Poetry and painting