How I went into Depression.

in Freewriterslast month

(Screenshot of the post on freewriters community)

Good day everyone, welcome to my blog..
I will like to participate in this contest by describing what I can see. On the face value, I see a dog covered with clothes. Going deeper, this is a picture of sadness, loneliness and mourning. I could feel what this represent because I have had my share of it.

On the 25th June 2020, was a day I will always live to remember. Although I wished it never happened. I woke up that particular morning and we had our devotion as a family because I was staying with my step sister at Ibadan while my immediate family was in Lagos, Nigeria. It was actually during the period of COVID-19 and there was lockdown. Few hours into the day, my immediate elder sister's husband called to check up on me and I asked after my sister and he told me she is busy in her shop and I told him to greet her on my behalf.
About three hours later he called back to tell me my sister just slumped and they are on their way to the hospital that I should start praying for her. He calmed him and told him nothing evil will happen that he should pray inside water, have faith and just give her to drink because I so much believe in prayers. Not quite long he called again to tell me my sister was no longer with her, I asked where she went to, he was shaking and weeping that they didn't not accept her at the hospital because she was dead before they got there. I couldn't believe what I was told. It was like a dream. She wasn't sick. I couldn't even travel to see her, it was a really sad day for me. I went indoor, cried and cried and refused to eat for days. My best friend is gone, living because meaningless to me and that was how I went into depression. For months, I was indoor mourning the sudden and painful exit of my sister, I was lonely even when people were around. I came out of depression seeing that I had to give hope to my mom again...

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Seeing this picture reminds me of my lonely life ever since I lost my sister, the pain and the deep sadness is still there till date because I haven't find a replacement for her in my life.
I'm grateful for the opportunity to share. Thanks for reading my post.


My deepest sympathy for the loss of your sister. I understand how you and your family feels. I lost my sister who was one year younger than I. Know that God is with you and your family and will never leave you. He promises a bright morning one day when you wake and least expect it.

I know it was painful to relive the sudden loss of your best friend. I appreciate you sharing this period in your life. Take care.

Thanks for your kind words and accept my condolences for the loss of your sister. We hope to see them again one day. God bless you.

I am so sorry about your loss. This is painful especially if she wasn't I'll. Did they ever figured out what caused her death?
I hope you, your mom and the beloved ones she left behind will comfort each other and you can celebrate the good memories together.
A warm hug to you
Greetings @wakeupkitty

Thank you for sharing your loss with us.

@freewritehouse thanks for your comment, till date we could not see what exactly was the cause of the death. We lost her and her pregnancy. It wasn't something easy for the family coupled with the fact that her Marriage was just three years. We are getting over it. I really appreciate your calming hug. Thanks and God bless you.

A double tragedy which is hard to live with. Blessings to you dear and the courage you had to share this.

Sorry for your loss. I hope you're okay?

I am getting better @marriot5464 thanks for stopping by.

I know some losses are not recoverable. I hope you have pulled through!

You are right, I know I may never get a replacement for her but I'm sure going to get over the pains and loneliness. Thanks for stopping by.

My deepest condolences to you, and also to your family. I pray Hive be a place of comfort for you.

Thanks for your comforting words and a big Amen to your prayers. God bless you ma @deeanndmathews

Sorry for the lost of your sister. You have to comfort yourself and move on. Depression can be deadly.

My condolences to you and your family.
Sometimes, grieving happens in different ways. i am glad you got all of that off your chest. 💜