A Picture is worth a Thousand words: The Vibrant coloured Dragon

in Freewriterslast month

Greetings lovely Hiveans !!!
A colourful prompt by @wakeupkitty takes us to the mystical world of little Dragon

Source picture generated by @wakeupkitty host of this contest

  • What I see -
    A colourful little dragon amongst big and small mushrooms in a little forest.

  • What I feel -
    The picture depicts the Dragons mystical world, surrounded by the protective colourful mushroom.

The story goes this way

Deep in the forest lived an enchanting little dragon, with vibrant colours across its wings, always happy and peaceful by itself and by not causing trouble to other creatures. Its stunning look was the reason for other animals to be envious about this little creature.

For fear of being attacked, it protects itself by living deep in the forest surrounded by poisonous, colourful, mystical mushrooms. In other words, the mushroom was the protector of the little Dragon.

The vibrant colours of Dragon and the mushroom, shine constantly, inviting trouble especially at midnight, by the so called dangerous creatures of the forest. But none can near the surroundings of the little Dragon, due to presence of the mystical mushroom.

Though by looks it is fabulous, the strong odour protruding from the mushroom, cannot let anyone near the surrounding area. The moment anyone steps in, be it human or animals, that will be their last breath.

For fear of death, nobody stepped into their little world, where the Dragon and the mushroom lived happily.

This is a fictional write-up for the prompt.


Wow. So as bad as odour can be, it can also be a protective measure in certain situations.

That is awesome.

Thank you for your imaginative and descriptive post.

This must have come with serious thoughts and meditation. It is really nice reading your piece.


Happy to know you enjoyed it. Thanks.

You are welcome.

This is short but interesting
I am happy the dragon found a place to be save.

the strong odour protruding from the mushroom, cannot let anyone near the surrounding area

This reminds me of my mother, she will always say "nothing is completely useless until it is off no use. The smell of the mushroom was nothing to withstand but it was a protection on the other hand

Exactly. Something should protect the poor dragon. So I ended with odour from mushrooms.

Your inspiration for the dragon and mushroom is similar to mine, which is great.

Thanks friend. May be due to the attractive colour.

Thanks for joining pic1000!

My pleasure