My Obsession With Content Creation

in Freewriterslast month

I admit it: I’m obsessed with content creation.

Image by freepik

For people who don't know me I'm Tas, and I'm 26 years old. I'm studying English for a master's degree. I'm a content creator, but I haven't been successful yet in turning it into a full-time job. That's my purpose in life: To create educational and entertaining content and earn a living from it. I'm obsessed with this, to the point that I've refused to get any other jobs, despite facing many financial problems. But I'm fine with it. I really don't have any interest in doing anything else. I know some people do a job even though they don't like it, but most don't even know what job they actually like. It's a rare gift to know what exactly you love to do. I guess I'm blessed in this matter. But finding out what you love to do is one thing, and turning it into a full-time job is another.

In a later post, I'm going to talk about content creation in detail, and what I've done so far. Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions. Also if you are a content creator as well, leave a comment so we can connect.



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