I am so fluffing tired

in Freewriterslast year

Hi to all you zapficers and freewriters!

This comprises my first entry of the year

This post is my entry for ZapFicMonday! To check out the rules and how to participate ✍️ then please read It's time for #ZapFic50Monday! Write me a story in PRECISELY 50 WORDS! from @zapfic.club

The jist is that we need to write a story in PRECISELY 50 WORDS about a one word prompt.

Being a mandatory requirement the easiest way to check this is by putting our story into a wordcounter, and then you must take a screenshot and add it to the post as proof of the 50 words for your story!


source Image by Firmbee from Pixabay


Kids of today!
They don't know the meaning of the fluffing word TIRED.
Try raising seven children on your own after your husband sacrificed his life to save our country so those tired kids of the future could laze around and complain.
Tired - I'll give you tired.


That was my story I am so fluffing tired


The prompt for this ZapFicMonday is tire


This is my screenshot taken from wordcounter.net showing that my story is precisely 50 words.


Why not join in the fun? You have a few more hours left to participate.

In the meantime, I hope that you all enjoy your weekend people!


Hi @tengogaming,
Thank you for participating in the #teamuk curated tag. We have upvoted your quality content.
For more information visit our discord https://discord.gg/8CVx2Am

So tiring that I comment on the wrong post!

Hey @tengogaming, here is a little bit of BEER from @isnochys for you. Enjoy it!

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It isn't easy at all, raising kids is tiring. Nice post

Get some rest Ed, not good to be so tired. lol

hehe I was up and out shopping before 8 this morning:)

That is very good Ed!