The blood Oath-2

in Freewriters3 years ago

Olive left for school, as at the initial stage of the couldn't do without themselves, constant phone calls and their communication skill held a very strong bond like that till the first year passed a half passed and they were sweating and melting slowly like ice. A Better part of what they were doing at their different locations took over them and they had little or no time for themselves .

Dan was grown and he was working, he was well to do as a matter of fact pressure came in from the parents for him to settle down but he turned deaf ears, he still had a thing for olive and hopes for it one day. Christine was newly employed into the company to assist Dan , she was the CEO's daughter, she just finished school and needed a job to settle so she was offered the Job to help Dan. She was beautiful, well composed and poise. Christine was endowed with features of right sizes according to appropriate places, she was learned and elegant and every guy would trip over such beauty.
She was fast learning and picked up everything Dan showed her and every of the office affairs ran smoothly for a year and half making everything 3 years Olive was away...
Olive was stucked in her books as she got to a very delicate part of her academics. Her friends got too worried about olive because she was anti-social and never really had a social life, Even when the others went for parties, hangout and casual dates she was all stuck to herself, she never wanted to give it a try for the 3years. Her grades were quite perfect tho.

During the End of the third year the torrent came down on both Olive and Dan as they were left to undergo severe punishment for breaking the oath.
Good Evening.

Sunshine writes🖋️